Online Reviews as Online Reputation — 7 Myths

Pavel Buev
4 min readDec 20, 2023


Online Reviews as Online Reputation — 7 Myths

As businesses work to establish themselves online, many still don’t completely grasp what it involves to create a plan for managing their online reputation. This is partly because of the myths and misunderstandings that exist around this practice. From removing reviews to being frugal with the budget, there are many false beliefs about online reviews that need to be corrected.

We’re here to clear up seven common misunderstandings about reviews and assist you in developing a stronger strategy for managing your brand’s reputation.

What Does Online Reputation Management Involve?

Online reputation management (ORM) is the process of keeping an eye on and shaping the online presence of an individual or organization.

According to Pavel Buev, Reputation Specialist at OceanPowerLtd, online reputation management “is not just a measurable score, but also the quality of content that can impact how your brand is seen on the internet.”

He also explains that your online reputation is how your business is portrayed through popular content like customer reviews, testimonials, and discussions on social media platforms.

Unlike traditional PR, online reputation management concentrates on gathering and showcasing positive content about your business. This means taking charge of what you can to ensure that any harmful content is handled properly.

It also involves actively interacting with customers to change their feelings about your brand. By keeping a close watch on and responding to customer feedback, you can establish a positive online presence, foster trust, and enhance customer loyalty.

Now that I’ve explained “What is online reputation management?” let’s explore some of the common myths and misunderstandings about ORM.

Here’s the rewritten text in a more human-friendly form:

Common Myths About Online Reputation Management

It’s important to monitor what people are saying about your business online, but it’s even more crucial to understand the myths and misconceptions that could impede your efforts in managing your reputation.

The Myth: People Don’t Read Online Reviews

This is a major misconception. In truth, 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations.

This shows that people do pay attention to and take seriously what other customers have to say about your business.

The Misconception: People Don’t Leave Online Reviews

No one might be interested in writing reviews, but that’s far from the truth. Research indicates that over 70% of consumers are open to writing a review if they are requested to do so — so don’t hesitate to ask for feedback from your customers.

And if you receive some negative reviews? It’s beneficial to respond in a friendly manner and express your appreciation for their feedback.

Next myth: You Should Solely Pursue Five-Star Reviews

It might seem like only five-star reviews are important, but that’s not entirely accurate. While positive reviews contribute to enhancing your reputation, negative reviews can also offer valuable feedback on how you can enhance your brand’s reputation.

Therefore, it’s best not to overly fixate on star ratings. Instead, concentrate on elevating your overall average rating by obtaining more four-star reviews than three-star or lower ratings. This will demonstrate to potential customers that you consistently deliver high-quality service, regardless of any minor setbacks.

Myth #4: Deleting Negative Reviews Will Resolve Your Issues

Erasing negative reviews might appear to be a quick solution, but in reality, it can have detrimental long-term effects.

Not only will removing negative reviews create a negative impression of your business, but it could also make potential customers more skeptical of any positive reviews they come across, potentially leading to even more negative feedback in the future.

The best course of action when dealing with negative feedback is to respond considerately and professionally, offering an apology and suggestions for improvement if appropriate. Your responses will demonstrate to customers that you value their experience and are committed to making improvements in the future.

Misconception #5: A Poor Reputation Doesn’t Necessarily Equate to Poor Customer Service

Even if your online reputation appears favorable at first glance (e.g., numerous five-star ratings), it doesn’t automatically mean that you’re delivering excellent customer service or high-quality products/services in reality.

Above all, consumers seek honesty. They desire businesses that they can trust and depend on in times of need — not just companies with flawless reputations on paper.

According to Pavel, your online reputation mirrors the quality of your customer service, so it’s important not to become overly fixated on the numbers. Ensure that you provide exceptional customer service, including responding to client reviews, and your online reputation will reflect this.

Remember, a strong reputation is less about ratings and more about dependability and transparency!

Next Misconception: Managing Online Reviews Consumes Too Much Time and Money

We can understand why this misconception exists. After all, managing online reviews does demand time and effort.

According to Pavel, it’s important to avoid overwhelming your customers with review requests, as this could lead to them feeling fatigued. One effective way to prevent this is by utilizing SMS and incentive campaigns to encourage reviews, offering rewards such as discounts or gift cards.

However, managing online reviews doesn’t have to be costly or time-consuming, especially if you make use of automated tools or software solutions specifically designed to efficiently handle brand reputation management tasks.

Moreover, consider the amount of time (and money!) you’ll save in the long run by averting potential PR crises.

Myth #7: You Have No Influence Over Online Reviews

Although it’s accurate that businesses can’t dictate what people say about them online, they do have control over how they react, and this is crucial for upholding a positive public image.

Responding professionally, even in the face of negative feedback, significantly contributes to establishing trust with potential customers. Thoughtful responses also demonstrate that you value people’s opinions about your business, thereby enhancing your credibility.



Pavel Buev

I'm a professional in Online Marketing. I have 20 years of experience in SEO in high-competitive niches.