The Wild Life of Gouverneur Morris, the Most Mysterious Founding Father of Them All

You may not know his name, but you almost certainly know the words he added to the Constitution

Weird History
8 min readMay 25, 2018

By Genevieve Carlton

“We the People of the United States” is perhaps the most famous phrase in the Constitution — and it was penned by one of the most mysterious Founding Fathers. Gouverneur Morris, who was born in the Bronx and spent many years in Europe, might not top the list of the best Founding Fathers, but he certainly was the wildest of the bunch. None of the Founding Fathers were saints — Benjamin Franklin had a house full of bones and George Washington bought teeth from his slaves — but Morris led the craziest life. From having public sex to losing a leg in an adultery-driven accident, Morris is nothing if not a fascinating character.

Morris Liked Having Sex In Public Places, Including The Louvre

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Morris didn’t marry until he turned 57, and during his bachelor years, he had quite a few romantic escapades — one of which cost him a leg. In a different escapade while he was in France, Morris carried on an extended affair with a married woman who lived in the Louvre.



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