Top 10 Tips To Boost Your Alexa Ranking

Medium Articles
4 min readNov 19, 2018


After the importance of Google Page Rank the next most needed thing is to improve or get a high Alexa ranking. Many of them just judge your blog or site on the basis of Alexa ranking,even me also.I also believe the hidden quality of any website is its Alexa ranking, More the Alexa rank more the qualities will be there.Even in case of Advertisements,advertiser also watch your Alexa rank to judge your site and then give ads on your blog/website.But some people tell it rubbish still it a important to get a high Alexa rank according to Best SEO Company in Canada. Even when we apply to sell our blog or site the buyer firstly watch your Alexa ranking and then rate your site.this similar thing is happened on the estimation sites those judge the cost or analysis your site.So a blog needs to have a good Alexa rank.The few tips to get a good Alexa ranking are given below firstly:

Top 10 Tips To Boost Your Alexa Ranking

What is Alexa?

Ans:- Alexa is a web informative company which analyse websites/blogs and rate them on the basis of there performance.It updates daily and show the daily progress of your site. Alexa has many paid services as well as free services.

Now Here Is The Top 10 Tips For Better Alexa Ranking

1. Go To and install alexa toolbar on your browser

Go and install Alexa toolbar for your browsers and also tell your friends and colleagues to do so to get the indexing in Alexa. This increase the Alexa preference of the blog. Alexa will then review your site again and again and for new sites they get index your site for there ranking very quickly. Download Alexa Toolbar

2. Do Claim Your site on Alexa.

To get full control on your site you must need to claim your site on Alexa in order to help other to know that this site is yours i.e owners information.This improve your Alexa ranking.On claiming you have to put verification code on your site so as to be verified on Alexa.

3. Put Alexa Widget on your site/blog for display.

Alexa count those hits only which are performed under there system and prevention so put Alexa widgets on the site or your blog for the sake of reviewing your site by Alexa.

4. Ask your Visitors For Reviewing your blog/site in Alexa

Review your site or blog daily on Alexa and ask your visitors to do so which again increase your appearance and visibility on Alexa.

5.Get traffic from bloggers and Tech guys also.

This is what the most important fact that really affects your Alexa ranking of your blog.If your maximum visitors are from blogger i.e bloggers and tech guys, the your Alexa rank will increase fast because maximum of them has installed the Alexa widgets on the their resp. browsers for the Alexa maintenance.

6. Write something like review about Alexa on your site/blog.

Write something about on your blog or site and links it to the Alexa homepage as i have done in this post which really affects the Alexa ranking of your blog.

7. Create Quality backlinks and comment on his PR sites.

Create quality backlinks for your site on the his PR sites i.e get maximum backlinks for your blog or site and also comment on the High PR rated site which must also gives you the quality backlinks and again gives high alexa ranking with good traffic for your niche. Alexa majorly counts your backlinks and traffic for listing your rank on alexa portal.

8. Write Quality content (posts) on blog which really affects your ranking

As we all know quality matters first , the same case is there in case of alexa quality content really count more and impress the visitors which increases your returning visitors and results in increase in your alexa ranking.Please write only unique content don’t go for copied content other wise you will not maintain it fr long.

9.Update your site/blog and its content regularly for evaluation.

You must need to update your blog regularly for evaluation of your site so blog must looks alive and differently all days.which increase the curiosity of the visitor for your next article to read and thus increase your traffic a lot. Write at least one post daily so as to get good ranking.

10. Always Share every post on social networking sites.

There are nearly 500+ social networking in the world but still use few of them so as to good traffic by sharing your post on them which gives your post a good popularity and increases the value of your article.Which also increase the instant traffic for your blog and will give quality backlinks also.

In conclusion of all this you must have a good alexa rank to get good health of the blog.

