Self-Awareness in the Workplace.

Edna Omol
6 min readSep 6, 2018



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What to we understand by the term Self-Awareness

It is the greater comprehension of the energies within and out that tend to shape who we are, how we behave and how we react to various situations around us as well as the reflection of personality in the eyes of the society around us

However we need to ask ourselves especially in our journey to self actualization -which is the ultimate form of self awareness -how we can entrench it in our daily routines ,especially in our workplaces .That is,in our interaction with clients, fellow employees and society at large.

See below questions

  • What do others do to make me happy?
  • What do others do to make me angry?
  • Do I depend entirely on people’s opinion on me?
  • How do you deal with frustrations?

Taking time to answer and reflect on these questions can assist in improving one’s awareness.

Concepts in Self Awareness

Personal Values.

Personal Branding.

Personality Tests.

  1. Personal Values

These are the virtues that we hold dear in our day to day endeavors.

Having personal values is a foundation of self awareness.

Consider the below:

  • Identify times when you are happiest.
  • When you were most proud.
  • When you were most fulfilled and satisfied.

From the above evaluation one can be able to derive their top values.It can be resilience, determination, diligence or humility .It depends on what each individual holds dear.

There are major core values that are essential in the workplace that one can integrate in their personal value system. They include integrity, accountability, diligence,perseverance and discipline.

Having a personal value system is vital for better understanding of others,for enhancing workplace relationships ,for increasing job satisfaction and for improving one’s creative potential.

b) Personal Branding

One should create a personal brand that correlates with one’s professional journey as well and aligns with their personal values

Consider the below

  • Identifying your emotional appeal. Why do you think people are attracted to the brand of you?
  • Describing yourself. Why do people enjoy working with you?
  • Identifying your specialty. What is your passion?

Paying attention to how one portrays and presents themselves can be life changing when it comes to consideration for promotion or any other considerations that may influence one’s professional development within the organization.

Having an elevator pitch ready when you network, being keen on one’s online presence and constantly reinventing oneself by acquiring relevant skills, interests and passions and integrating them in your personal brand can lead to greater recognition within one’s professional field.

4.Personality tests

In modern day HR practitioners and company bosses have realized the importance of understanding the various personalities of employees as a way of improving employee productivity and realising their potential. Some organizations have gone further and included personality tests during interview processes.

Taking personality tests can provide one with a way to categorize different characteristics or traits that will help one understand themselves with regards to their job function,career progression and in their workplace interactions.

Why is there a greater stress for increased Self Awareness in the workplace?

Self-aware employees are mostly confident and open-minded. They embrace new thoughts and ideas which helps their co-workers, clients, or even higher ups like them better. Employees with self-awareness tend to accept others’ shortcomings and are willing to involve in projects that can help them develop themselves. They realize that the development will improve their skills and grow their career.

Self-awareness makes you realize what you really need and want. Before you go ahead with yourself and think that you deserve a higher position at work, you should make sure whether you are entitled to get it. The higher your job position, the bigger responsibilities you will face. Ask yourself whether that is what you want and need. Are you ready to face such big responsibilities? You will know the answer if you are aware of yourself. Remember, what others can do does not guarantee you can do it either. Be aware of what is enough for you and give your best in that.

Our values determine the way we perceive the situation around us. In case there is a mismatch between you and your workmate or situation surrounding your workplace, your values will pinpoint the problem. Then after you found the core problem, will your values allow you to work in that kind of environment? How much torment will you face if you force yourself to bear with the clash?

If you do not know your values, you cannot name these problems and end up as poor leader for your company. Therefore, you should know what action you should take before others awkwardly tell you about that. You will know what you should do by being aware of yourself.

Realizing your own strengths and shortcomings helps you understand yourself better. That is a part of self-awareness. With a high level of self-awareness, you are aware of who you really are, what you can do, the weaknesses you possess, your values, and anything that is part of your personalities. The aspect of self-awareness works in any aspect of life, including business and work life..

Take time to evaluate yourself. Consider the below questions:

  • Have I chosen the role that will truly allow me to shine, based on what comes most naturally to me?
  • How do I react when I don’t get my own way?
  • How do I react when working in close proximity with someone you don’t like?
  • How do I react when someone disagrees with me ?
  • When I disagree with someone, how do I express it?

Consider making changes in your character as you thrive for self improvement.

Models for developing self awareness in the workplace

  1. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs model is one such tool. Developed in 1940–50s USA, the theory remains relevant today for understanding human motivation, management training and developing self-awareness. Indeed, Maslow’s ideas surrounding the Hierarchy of Needs, encourages individuals to fulfil their own unique potential (self-actualization).

2. Devised by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955, The Johari Window model is a simple and useful tool for illustrating and improving self-awareness and mutual understanding between individuals within a group.

3. More recently, Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People® are a powerful set of inspirational and aspirational standards for anyone seeking to live a full, purposeful and positive life.

4. The SWOT analysis was invented in the 1960s by management consultant Albert Humphrey at the Stanford Research Institute, USA. SWOT is often used as a tool to explore any aspect of a business, including product and service development.

There are three stages to conducting a full SWOT analysis:

  • Stage 1. Without thinking for too long, write down as bullet points in each quadrant your personal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This should take no longer than circa 15 minutes
  • Stage 2. Next identify how you intend to address your Weaknesses, capitalise on your Opportunities and protect yourself against your Threats (your Strengths will hopefully remain as such, although these can be added to). This stage takes a little longer
  • Stage 3. Give yourself an action and timescale in which you can feasibly achieve Stage 2

As a leader(in any capacity)in the organization, it’s important to stress on constant self improvement and self awareness and as well the benefits of aligning personal values to organization’s core values for greater employee engagement ,transparency and mental stability.

Written by Edna Omol.

For feedback


Helpful Sites

Greene, Davina. (2014).Why is Self Awareness critical in the workplace? Retrieved from

Taylor, Lynn. (2017,Mar 12).What personal brand are you conveying at work? Retrieved from



Edna Omol

Human Resources :Employee Mental Health and Wellness. | Nairobi, Kenya. Opinions -mine