Top Education Management Information System

Edneed Tech
5 min readOct 22, 2021



Analysts predict that the eLearning market will exceed $370 billion by 2026. However, this success cannot be attributed solely to a market that was born out of nothing. It was the result of specific circumstances and characteristics that make online learning unique. Let’s have a look at such reasons due to which the eLearning industry is booming in 2021.

A skyrocketing rise is attributed to the benefits of online learning, including influencing circumstances surrounding Covid-19 that force traditional training into an online format.

The Pandemic- COVID-19

It is the reason that played a vital role in flourishing online learning, yet no one is willing to acknowledge it. Although two years have passed since the beginning of the pandemic, people are still struggling to adjust to the drastic change in lifestyle. While several countries have started to ease the lockdown’s strictness, and many people are working from home. The study did not get canceled, however, the global education system worked to resolve the situation.

The eLearning industry has seen unprecedented growth because of the increase in demand for online education during the lockdown. This phenomenon is one of the biggest reasons why the eLearning industry has flourished.

The world education system has learned all the conveniences and advantages of such a training format, and the trend is not going away even after all the lockdowns are over. Moreover, 63% of university leaders predicted that prestigious universities would have completed university courses transferred online by 2030.

eLearning Lessens Time Consumption

It is now well known that standard education is significantly more time-consuming than online education. Formal education generally takes 40–60% longer than online education.

The following point is closely associated with the previous one since freedom of choice influences how quickly we assimilate information. To continue moving forward through the educational material, teachers do not need to wait for others to master the material. Through the educational material, learners are given the opportunity to devote time to learning when they are inspired, motivated, and motivated to learn.

Furthermore, the eLearning Industry completely eliminates the need to travel around the city in order to attend classes. The student just needs to open the laptop, plug it in, and connect to the Internet in order to learn new material.

Students learn more through eLearning

Initially, this might seem like an odd statement since all that separates online learning from traditional modes is the use of computers or smartphones to deliver it. Studying online rather than in a traditional classroom has proven to be more efficient. IBM research indicates that students learn five times as much information online.

One undisputed advantage of the E-Learning industry is that students can consume educational materials at a pace that is comfortable for them. Taking long pauses between topics that require in-depth study and a focused approach allows students to progress faster on topics in which they feel confident.

Learning online increases retention

There is no doubt that online training is more effective than traditional training because students are much more likely to remain engaged with the material.

Learning online helps students avoid situations where they are expected to attend multiple classes in a single day, which is very exhausting. Online learners study when they are ready for it, without accumulating fatigue and the strain of anticipating that there are still 5–6 more lessons to go on various subjects.

Ease of Access

The portability of eLearning is one of its most outstanding features. Many online learning platforms follow modern trends and enable learning on the go through different browsers and mobile devices.

Furthermore, you do not have to be in a specific place to start learning. Go to the website or mobile app of the learning management system that your institution uses, connect to the Internet, and you will learn the required information. Consequently, online learning offers a flexible pedagogical option that can be accessed from anywhere in the world with access to an Internet connection.

Teacher shortage can be solved by online learning

Education is a field that is especially affected by a lack of teachers. For example, economic analysts from the Economic Policy Institute reported that the shortage of experienced teachers is “real, great, growing, and worse than we thought”. Online learning is attempting to help combat the teacher shortage gradually, despite the fact that it isn’t possible to fix the teacher shortage overnight.

As an example, consider this: in a traditional university, there are approximately 16.5 students per teacher. Online curriculums, on the other hand, can reach thousands of students every day through one qualified professional. The eLearning industry is not designed to augment the teaching staff; rather, it aims to offer educational materials to a wider audience.

No need to spend money on textbooks

Books cannot be substituted for the standard method of education, since most learning materials are based on specific textbooks. Students often spend their student loans on learning materials, which can be very expensive and stressful.

All related materials for online training are available for public access online, so students are completely freed from such expenses. Furthermore, online learning materials are easily updated and constantly remain relevant, unlike books where new editions must be purchased after they’re released and quickly become outdated.

Ecological Approach

Online learning has gained popularity over the past decade due to the eco-friendly movement. Online learning already has a solid reputation as a more environmentally friendly means of learning, since it uses 90% less energy and emits 85% less CO2 than traditional classroom-based lessons.

Additionally, let’s not forget that online education does not require textbooks. This drastically reduces the amount of paper needed to print books, reduction in trees cut down, and construction of paper-cellulose factories, which emit greenhouse gases.

Final thoughts

As you can see, these reasons vary and relate to different aspects such as productivity, economics, the environment, the world situation, and more. In spite of the successes achieved, the eLearning industry continues to grow, and who knows what greater achievements it will bring in the upcoming years?

If you want the #1 learning management system for your institute, a professional eLearning services provider will help you with this task. Edneed is a leading eLearning solutions provider that develops custom solutions in online learning for the needs of various educational institutions and businesses. Share your requirements with us, and our managers will consult on further development perspectives.



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