Have You Leveraged Affinity/In-Market Audience Data In Your Paid-Social Campaigns?

Using Google Audience Data For High-Performing Paid-Social Campaigns

Edwin Plotts
3 min readAug 13, 2017

Quick note:

I launch 40 to 50 impactful growth experiments every month for a diverse range of businesses — from B2B SaaS to B2C E-commerce and everything in between (via LADDER.io)

And starting today I’ll be selecting my top experiments and strategies to share with you a few times a month.

You‘ll likely find these are worth testing for YOUR business too.

Each post will fall under one of three categories:

  1. Use Of Data: Prime examples of how to leverage your data to drive growth strategy
  2. High Impact: Tactics that proved to really move the needle — big wins
  3. Innovative: Out-side-the box ideas you probably haven’t thought of

Let’s dive right in…

Use Of Data

Map Google Analytics Affinity/In-Market Audience To Facebook


Using Google Analytics audience reports and mapping them to a Facebook audience we can open a new stream of high-quality traffic most likely to convert.

Google Analytics can provide some interesting affinity/interest data on converters (based on enabled Goals and/or Enhanced E-commerce):

In the image above you’ll find a breakdown of Affinity Audiences and In-Market Audiences.

Affinity Audiences use Google’s intelligence to identify long-standing interests of users based on their cookie history.

In-Market Audiences are composed of people in the consideration stage of the customer journey, and actively in the market for a specific category.

A few strategic ideas immediately come to mind:

  • Create a prospecting audience based on the top percentages of affinity categories
  • Create a prospecting audience based on the top percentages of in-market segments
  • Leverage these as layer in Google Display Network targeting
  • Recreate these as audiences on paid social platforms

Seeing ‘Home Decor’ as a top in-market segment was no surprise in this particular case. BUT the hidden insight here was that 2 out of 5 top segments were those in the market for ‘Travel/Hotels & Accommodations’ + ‘Travel/Air travel’.

I jumped on this hidden insight and recreated the audience profile in Facebook’s Ad Manager:

^The audience above is also narrowed to the age range with the highest percentage of converters.

How did it perform? It was a great success!

The campaign initially spent $513 for 27 AddToCarts ($19 CPA) and 3 purchases.

This is was a solid win as our goal was to open a new traffic stream to increase volume of AddToCarts at an average CPA <$30.

This was accomplished, AND the new audience is over 8 million in size — which means super scalable!

Since identifying the successful traction in this audience, I’ve doubled our daily spend and the audience continues to purr ($900 spent to date for 55 AddToCarts at a $16 CPA).


With ample data, Google’s audience reports can highlight attributes about your website visitors, leads, customers that you wouldn’t have otherwise known.

These hidden insights can be used to create broad, but highly relevant prospecting audiences for paid social.

The audience above not only drove conversion volume at 50% of the target CPA, but its large size means it’s scalable and easier to ramp up spend!

*NOTE: Pass this post on to your digital marketing friends to help them jump on an easy win :)

*Interested in business growth strategy? Drop by LADDER.io

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Edwin Plotts

director of growth at pawlicy.com | rescue/foster parent with flatbushcats | cat dad to greyson & babs