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The Ice Age is Coming

The final transitioning mechanism to Ethereum 2.0

Edson Ayllon
Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2020


The current human lifespan at its longest length reaches around 100 years, a century. From now until the start of the A.D. calendar is loosely 20 of those longest-lasting lifetimes, 20 centuries, 2000 years, 2 millennia.

Thirteen thousand of those 2 millennia ago, 2.6 million years ago, was a period marked by glaciers covering large parts of the word, for over 10 thousand years, in what we today call the ice age.

Sheets of ice covered large parts of Europe, North America, and South America, and small areas in Asia. Remains of these glaciers can still be seen today. This was the most recent ice age. Four other major ice ages have been discovered and documented throughout the life of our planet.

That most recent ice age continues today, the warm interglacial phase of the ice age which started 11,000 years ago.

A New Ice Age

Within software, a new ice age is just starting, one inside of the leading smart contract platform Ethereum. The Ice Age is a term in Ethereum to describe when the network starts to freeze to a halt. It’s a result of something programmed into Ethereum called the difficulty bomb.

How does this work?



Edson Ayllon

The greatest leaders see the future. Software engineer, lifelong learner. Interested in the future of finance.