How To Create Engaging Instagram Videos

Edson Romero
4 min readOct 11, 2020

Instagram videos are a powerful way to build your brand and grow your business. One in four consumers made a purchase after seeing a story on Instagram, and 60% of consumers who made a purchase from a brand found out about them on social media. But to get the most out of Instagram videos, it’s important to make them engaging, professional, and informative. Here are a few tips on how to use Instagram videos to drive new purchases and build your brand’s social presence.

Quality Is Key

A pixelated, low-quality video can come off as unprofessional and may cause your Instagram followers to scroll or click away. While you don’t need to shell out thousands of dollars for a professional video setup, there are a few pieces of equipment and tips that can help you shoot a quality video using your iPhone.

1.) Invest In A Tripod

A tripod can help you take steady moving videos, and serves as a solid base for your phone for stagnant videos as well. This one even has a Bluetooth control so you can start your videos from a distance.

2.) Lock The Exposure

iPhones will automatically adjust the focus, white balance, and exposure based on what you’re filming. If you’re filming a moving shot, the exposure will go up and down depending on bright and dark points of focus. This can be distracting and unprofessional.

Before you shoot your video, turn on your AE/AF lock so that your phone doesn’t auto-adjust while you’re filming. If you’re filming outdoors, or in a place with a variety of light sources, try locking the phone on a mid-range point. This video shows some great examples of this tip in action so you can see for yourself!

Instagram Story Tips

Instagram stories are a great opportunity to showcase your business’s services, products, and team in a way that images cannot. By showing your business in-action, your followers will better understand your product features, types of services, and what makes your business unique.

Stories only last for 24 hours, but you can save them to your Highlights section so they’ll be accessible for everyone who visits your profile.

Here are a few quick tips for how to shoot engaging Instagram stories;

1.) Shoot Vertically

Shooting vertically will allow your video to make use of the entire screen, which provides a better viewing experience.

2.) Show Your Product In Action

Product videos are a great way to show followers how your product works, and what problem it solves. Take time to create an in-depth video that shows your products in-action, and save these to a highlight so that your followers can view them at a later time.

3.) Use An Influencer

When you highlight influencers using your products, it provides social proof. People use social proof when determining what products to trust and buy, so hiring an influencer can be a great way to promote your brand as one that’s trustworthy and effective.

On-Grid Videos

Instagram also gives you the option to upload a video directly to your Instagram grid. The maximum length for these types of videos is 60 seconds, so it’s important to plan your video accordingly.

Here are a few ideas for how to make these types of videos engaging:

1.) Have A Clear Message

It’s important to capture your followers’ attention upfront. Include a caption on the post that explains what the video is about, why users should stop and watch, and make sure the first few seconds are eye-catching and intriguing.

2.) Don’t Forget Calls To Action

Your videos should contain a call to action that encourages viewers to interact with your brand. Whether that’s asking them to comment on the video, sign up for a newsletter, or complete a purchase, your video should guide users on what action to take next.

3.) Show Behind The Scenes Of Your Business

Video is one of the best mediums for connecting with your followers. Make those connections count by creating on-brand videos that show what your company is all about. From team introductions to answering FAQS, videos can help you show behind the scenes of your business and build brand loyalty. If you’re feeling stuck and don’t know what videos to make, reach out to us on

Start Creating Engaging Videos Today

You don’t need a professional video team to start incorporating videos into your social media marketing strategy. Get started with these quick tips, or take your marketing to the next level with the help of our video and social media marketing experts. Contact us to learn more!

