This is why CreativeLive Raised $25M to Expand ‘Artistic Entrepreneurship’

EdTech 2.0
6 min readJun 4, 2017


CreativeLive is an educational platform that provides a number of different videos and classes on photography, design and a wide array of other creative or artistic ventures. The over all platform is designed to be an artistic entrepreneurship solution and they have recently received $25 million to expand their platform and open it up to a larger audience. To this date creative live has received up to $58.8 million in funding. The startup which is based out of San Francisco works with some of the largest creative and design companies in the world. With partnerships including Go Pro, Adobe, Microsoft, and more CreativeLive , drawing, photography, graphic design and more. It’s a perfect platform for many designers and creators to expand their skills and offer a space to showcase their skills directly to major companies that may be hiring worldwide.

What’s more impressive about this company is that it’s estimated to have over 10 million students currently and their videos have racked up over 3 billion views so far on the platform. It’s no wonder that they require expansion in order to include more content and in order to access more space to accommodate new students.

The investors for CreativeLive come from a high-profile crowd as well. Many of the top investors for this company include Jared Leto, REV Venture partners, Creative Artists Agency, Richard Branson and more. These types of impressive names will no doubt continue to attract brand-new funding opportunities for this program as more celebrity and high profile VC and investors continue to build up their interested in CreativeLive it could only lead to greater levels of success within the company as a whole.

The company is extremely excited in joining some of these investors including Greylock to continue focusing on learning within the design sector as well as developing the talent of the future. The company has future plans to work with other partners like Redbull in building creative campaigns and offering internship possibilities online through video courses the team will offer. Students are even beginning to work with many of the companies that have invested to create new attributes for their brands. As more companies continue to grow on board with CreativeLive their programs can expand as well is the chance for new artistic entrepreneurship opportunities for students.

This is a brand-new concept within ED Tech. While many individuals consider the idea of education technology to be primarily in study based courses, videos or even the idea of online quizzes the chance to expand into ED tech internship possibilities through CreativeLive is a perfect example of how digital technology is changing the way that we even consider spearing in space learning online. Their platform is changing the way that creative individuals can access learning as well as work towards building their skills for the future of the job market. If a person would not normally have access to an internship possibility at a Silicon Valley firm for example, they could easily get placement or the ability to work with one of these firms by learning from their tutorial videos, by crafting projects in online design competitions and by connecting directly with HR departments within these brands to build towards the future of the company and their careers.

CreativeLive is continuing to focus on finding forward thinking companies that are interested in not only investing in employee education but also developing their workforce through creative programs and opportunities for online students. The overall thought process of CreativeLive is that by having the chance to build relationships with students and employees, a company can likely work at building more well-rounded teams and much more skilled employees that are ready to start immediately.

In today’s digital world companies need to be able to pivot, innovate and stay creative in order to see continuous expansion. Much of this innovation comes from the development side in the newest products, best graphics and in most cases reaching the web audience. By having a team of creative and passionate design thinking individuals within any company, a strategy for innovation and the future in growth can continue. In order to see this continuous innovation however it’s very important that companies continue to build their talent and continue focusing in on creative skills through proper training and education programs. CreativeLive is helping companies to build up a script of well-rounded training programs that can help major corporations to build up aspirational learners and skilled workers for the future of their brand.

Adding to the even more impressive track record of CreativeLive, the company stands as the world’s leading entrepreneurial education platform and one of the top creative platforms created for digital education. Many other platforms focus in on other types of subjects and this is one of the first that has been built primarily for creative professionals. There are classes available in entrepreneurship, music studies, sound editing, Video creation, photo editing and more. With all of these chances to learn new skills of possible for creative professionals to not only build on their skills but to do so in an extremely flexible environment that’s accessible anywhere in the world. What makes these programs extremely competitive and very impressive are these huge roster of teachers and experts that have been creating much of the content on the platform as well. The programs, tutorials and creative tools available on this website have been created from Grammy award winners, Oscar award winners, Pulitzer Prize winners, authors recognized by the New York Times bestsellers list as well as a group of world renowned entrepreneurs. By having some of these experts provide assistance to creative professionals CreativeLive has basically created one of the world’s most prestigious universities for creative’s online. The talent pool that was available for creating these resources will only help to inspire and help skill a whole new generation of creative talent. By providing the best instruction from a group of highly sought after professionals, the companies that are investing with CreativeLife and offering future work/internship possibilities with CreativeLive, will know that they are getting the very best in professionals to have temporarily join their workforce.

The Reach of CreativeLive is enormous across the 10 million students even though it launched just in 2010 the platform has expanded to include students in almost every country of the world. The video education programs alone have over 10,000 hours of HD video education and there are over 2500 different lesson plans available for skilling up. Creative professionals can access all of these amazing tools as well as a combination of live classes that deliver extra access and improvements to creative professionals. Live classes deliver real-time interaction with worldwide creative experts and entrepreneurs for an unprecedented educational experience. Prerecorded videos and lesson plans give students the chance to skill up at their own pace to expand their career or to build up new and competitive creative skills to even start their own company. Through the prerecorded videos as well as the live videos it is possible to build an incredible understanding of the creative and design process and to have students build their knowledge directly from top industry leaders.

The expansion of new talent such as James Mercer, Mark Cuban, Jared Leto, Richard Branson and more only goes to show that this company is continuing its mission of bringing in top worldwide experts and allowing them to share their knowledge with creative professionals around the world. CreativeLive as a company is also expanding on the technical side with over 100 people currently employed between the San Francisco offices as well as the Seattle offices. Plans for ongoing expansion after investment could also see major changes in the overall structure of the online platform, the types of experts they are able to bring in as well as the new types of learning initiatives and strategies that are offered through the program. 100 employees may seem small for a platform of this magnitude but many of the top companies in partnership with CreativeLive as well as investors have also been responsible for sourcing and creating quality content for the platform. The vast majority of CreativeLive employees are working to build quality customer experiences on a technical side and continuing to make sure that the entire platform can see continued expansion for the assistance of skilling up employees across the world.

Investments and ideas like CreativeLive come from the standpoint of massive investments which are occurring across the ED Tech industry. With so many companies across the world now focusing on the idea of digital technology in education, these types of platforms will likely continue to emerge for different industries and industry training programs internationally. This creative technology platform is a very effective solution for employers to make sure that their future employee team will have access to the skills they need to be effective workers. Investments in this platform and platforms like it could be extremely effective in creating ideas and solutions for the future in educational technology.

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