All You Need To Know To Be A Course Hero Tutor
4 min readJun 9, 2022


Founded by student Andrew Grauer in 2006, Course Hero is an online learning platform with more than 24 million teachers and students. Its mission is to support students in completing their studies with confidence and preparation.

This platforms’ unique collective action framework allows students to subscribe or contribute their resources and earn a Netflix-like subscription to 60 million-plus course materials, tutoring and support resources. Approximately 60,000 faculties across Canada, United States, and Australia have joined the Course Hero educator community to share their teaching resources, collaborate with faculty in other fields, and hone new strategies for instruction.

Course Hero has more than 20 million course-specific study resources provided by a community of students and educators. Students can easily find study guides, practice problems, class notes, videos and step-by-step explanations for each subject they’re studying or want to study — from economics to literature, biology to history, accounting to psychology, and everything in between. At Course Hero, it easy for them to get assistance for their most difficult assignments, acquire a deeper understanding of any concepts, and study for exams in their courses at their schools. In simple words, course Hero help students prepared to tackle any class with confidence.

In addition, Course Hero offers scholarships supporting students and educators beyond providing study materials and online courses, tutoring and access to a community of educators. The Hero Student Scholarship recognizes students who face barriers in their academic journey. The platform awards $5,000 per year to them until they graduate. It also provides grants for first-generation college students, community leaders, and veterans, among others.

How to become a Course Hero tutor?

To join in Course Hero as a teacher, you have to follow a few simple steps:

  • Create your Course Hero tutor account
  • Choose the subjects you’d like to be a tutor for
  • Upload your ID and academic credentials
  • Get approved in less than three days and start tutoring

The other best thing about Course Hero is that you don’t need to be a certified tutor or professor. All you need to do is share sufficient credentials to prove that you have expertise in the categories you would like to tutor and wait for approval by the team.
However, you must have the following to become a Course Hero Tutor:

  • A Bachelor’s degree from either a U.S. or Canadian University (any major, it does NOT have to teach).
  • Belong to the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or the United Kingdom.

How to sign up for the Course? (For students)

To access the documents on Course Hero, you need to create a free account, which can be created in a minute. You can use your Facebook account, Google account, or email as well.

Add your courses

In the next step, on the dashboard to search your Course, type the course name and add the classes you plan to take for the entire semester or quarter. Also, From student notes, study guides, videos, and more — everything will be easily accessible on the Course Hero dashboard.

Upload your notes and documents
The best thing about Course Hero is its course-specific notes and documents uploaded and shared by students (and educators) who have already studied (or taught) the exact classes you’re currently studying. Also, when your notes and course documents are uploaded to Course Hero*, you earn free unlocks, which can be used to access other content on the site. You can earn by rating documents, too. If you do not want to upload your notes, you can subscribe to Course Hero monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

How much can a Course Hero Tutor earn?

At Course Hero, Tutors earn an average of $3 for each question they answer, which means you are giving correct and valuable information. Their earnings range between $12-$20 per hour; tutors earn an average of $300/week, and the highly experienced and top-rated tutors earn around $500 a week. The platform is very flexible because tutors can answer questions whenever they want at their convenience.
The way they are paid to answer questions is that students pay for access to Course Hero learning resources and tutors. As they help students access the information they need, Course Hero pays them for their time and knowledge.

Finding flexible side push, like becoming a Course Hero tutor, can change the tutor’s life in some great ways, such as help:

  • Pay off your debt.
  • Save for large purchases, like a vacation.
  • Move out of a payday to a paycheque lifestyle.
  • You retire ahead of the planned schedule.
  • Realize that your work is not the only option out there, especially if you are currently feeling uptight.
  • Help you grow more diverse and make money in more ways.
  • Travel more or even full-time!

What is the schedule of Course Hero tutors?

The timetable is what you want it to be since you work from home and answer questions when you are available. There is no minimum number of hours per week to work, and you do not have to answer a certain number of questions each week. To earn the most, you will not only have to provide valuable information, but you will also need to answer as many questions as your schedule allows. Even so, it’s always a very flexible side and online employment that allows you to earn an extra amount from the comfort of your home.

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