How to add Bsc Merge to Trust Wallet or Metamask

Ed Graves
3 min readAug 19, 2021


*Warning, Merge farming only currently works with Metamask, to avoid unnecessary fees, make sure you set up on Metamask and not trust wallet, Iwill update this warning when the problem is resolved*

For this example I will assume you already have Trust Wallet installed on your phone and an account created, If not, do that first!

If using Metamask the steps are pretty much exactly the same except you will need to add BSC as a network first, to do this follow this guide

The first step is to open your wallet and make sure you have selected the tokens tab at the top, it should look similar to this (or white if you are not in night mode) then click the button circled in red.

From here scroll all the way to the bottom and select “+add custom token”

In this page first check it has smart chain in the red circle (I think ethereum is the default) then paste in the contract address into the green circle.

Contract address:


It should autofill the name, symbol and decimals, but if it hasnt double check the address and chain first, if still no these parts can be entered manually.

Then click done, it should take you back to the original screen and you will see Merge as an option in your wallet. It is likely to be near the bottom as it doesnt show a $ value.

Now you are ready to go and buy some Merge on pancake swap, for help with that and how to turn them into LP tokens feel free to read my other article on it here

If for some reason something doesnt work or you have any other questions join the Merge telegram group here and ask away

Hope this helps


