How to use Rocketbot Pro

Ed Graves
3 min readSep 13, 2021


Rocketbotpro is a crypto tipping, airdrop and giveaway bot available on Twitter, Discord and Telegram.

It has the advantage of fee free transfers of listed coins direct to usernames without the need for long addresses or the recipient even setting up an account beforehand,

All functions can be performed within the social media of choice with the use of simple and easy to understand commands.

To register simply DM @rocketbotpro with “help” in twitter and discord , /start in telegram or visit where you will be able to link all your social media accounts to one wallet

Free usage allows for 5 tips, 1 giveaway and 1 airdrop per day,

each tip can pay up to 20 users, and giveaways and airdrops allow up to 500 participants.

To extend this the user has to hold $merge in their rocketbot account, just keep it in the wallet, it is not used as a fee so you can withdraw this $merge at anytime if you feel you don’t need as many uses anymore, for every 100 $merge or $merge-Bep20 held it will increase all the uses by 1.

e.g 100 $merge held will allow 6 tips, 2 giveaways and 2 airdrops.

200 $merge held will allow 7 tips, 3 giveaways and 3 airdrops…….and so on.

The current listed coins are below with the command used in [], these are not case sensitive

Merge [MERGE]

Merge BEP20 [MERGE-BEP20]

Binance Coin [BNB]

Binance USD [BUSD]

Bitcoin [BTC]

Litecoin [LTC]


Whale Exploder [WHEX]

Doge [DOGE]

Firo [FIRO]

Block-Logic [BLTG]

Ultra Gate [ULG]

Absolute [ABS]

French Digital Reserve [FDR]

Martkist [MARTK]

The commands are as follows: without the “”


  • To send a tip end your tweet with

“@rocketbotpro tip 1 merge @Mr_E_Graves”

this will send 1 merge to @Mr_E_Graves (Me)

  • To run a giveaway end your tweet with

“@rocketbotpro giveaway 1 merge 5 2d”

this will send 1 merge to 5 randomly selected users that have liked, retweeted and commented on your tweet in 2 days. You can also use m or h to represent minutes or hours

  • To run an airdrop end your tweet with

“@rocketbotpro airdrop 1 merge 5”

this will send 1 merge to the first 5 users that like, retweet and comment on your tweet

  • There are further commands you can Dm direct to @rocketbotpro for information about your account,

— “tips” will show you the what tips you have sent out

— “tipped” will tell you what tips you have recieved

— “balances” will tell you how many of each coin you have in your account

— “deposit merge” will give you the address you need to send merge to

(you can change merge to the other listed coins for their corresponding addresses)

— “withdraw 500 merge [address]” will send 500 merge to another address e.g

— “commands” will pretty much tell you all the information in this article

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For Discord and Telegram the commands have the same format as twitter but replace the “@rocketbotpro” with “!”

e.g !tip 1 merge @Mr_E_Graves

on these platforms make sure you click on the username on the list above the text box to make sure it adds all the numbers after their name (these will be invisible after selected)

you will receive a warning you have to accept before the command is executed

rocketbot will also need to be installed on the server by an admin, the link to install can be found at the bottom of this page

these are just the basics that should hopefully get you going and enjoying the bot


Ed the Drunk

