Why Grammar Matters (And Why Your Readers Will Thank You for Caring)

Ray Evans
3 min readJul 5, 2023


Are you an author or someone looking to justify cannibalism on life rafts?

If you’re the former, today we’re going to go on a foray into the biggest

reasons why grammar is important for the success of your stories/writing.

Number 1: Clarity

The first reason why grammar matters is that it provides clarity

to your writing. If your writing is full of grammatical errors, your readers

will have a hard time understanding what you are trying to say. It’s like

trying to have a conversation with someone who speaks in a language

that you don’t understand. So, if you want your readers to understand

your story, make sure your grammar is on point.

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Number 2: Professionalism

Grammar also adds a level of professionalism to your writing.

If you want to be taken seriously as a writer, you need to present yourself

in a professional manner. Nothing says “amateur” like a manuscript full of

grammar mistakes.

Number 3: Attention-to-Detail

By taking care of your grammar, you show your readers that

you care about the details. When you put effort into your writing, it shows.

Your readers will appreciate the extra effort you put in to make your

manuscript the best it can be.

Number 4: It Builds Trust

When your readers see that you have taken care to ensure

your manuscript is error-free, they will trust you as a writer.

Trust is essential in the writing industry. If your readers don’t trust you,

they won’t fork over the cash to read your next book.

Number 5: You’ll Keep Your Readers Engaged

If your readers are continually being distracted by your grammatical

errors, they won’t be fully engaged in your story. You want your readers

to be fully immersed in your characters, the plot, and the world that

you’re building, not heaps of typos. So, take the time to make sure your

grammar is correct.

Number 6: It Shows Respect to Your Readers

Your readers spent their own, assuming that they’re not pro bank robbers,

money and are taking the time to read your story. Respect their time and

by presenting them with a well-written work. Your readers will thank you

for it with their repeat patronage (aka they’ll buy more of your books later


In Conclusion…

By ensuring your manuscript is error-free, you provide clarity,

professionalism, attention to detail, build trust, and keep your readers

engaged. So, take the time to self-edit your work.

I know that you’re a spectacular wordsmith, but there’s no shame in

admitting that you’re not an expert in grammar and syntax

​Many independent fiction authors hire proofreaders and copyeditors to

ensure their manuscript is error-free.

If you’ve got a manuscript that’s been collecting dust, why not give it the

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Not shamelessly plugging myself but find a third-party to edit your

work because that second set of eyes can catch gaffes that you didn’t.

P.S. After you’ve editing and polished your book, I’ve got a guide

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This step-by-step manual is your key to a repeatable, quick, and cost-free

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Ray Evans

Copyeditor & Consultant helping self-published fiction authors sell more stories.