Why Elon Musk acquiring Twitter is a good thing. A response to Zulie Rane

He will make it better

Eduard Sebastian
3 min readApr 28, 2022
Picture by mohamed_hassan on Pexels

Elon Musk recently bought Twitter. For some, this was terrible news, and for others, it was a great move from a great man.

Being hopeful about humanity

If you read his biography written by Ashlee Vance, you can see that he had a deep interest in helping and advancing human civilization even as a child.

Even though he was bullied by his classmates and beaten almost to death, he didn’t become hateful of other’s people existence, rather, he maintained his belief that, essentially, people are good.

You don’t need arguments to explain why his existence is a great plus for us. Just look at the results of his companies. He makes affordable brilliant electric cars and reusable rockets. He plans to create a civilization on Mars and create the technology that will lead to a symbiotic relationship between A. I and humans.

He even managed to help Ukrainians get internet through his Starlink satellites, probably saving many lives in the process.

All these things, and I am not even talking about all he does.

Now, let’s get back to Twitter. Given all this, what do you think Elon Musk will do with it? Wipe his ass with more money?

He doesn’t care about getting more richer. We are talking about a man who sold his houses and now lives with friends and sleeps at his factories.

Before buying Twitter, he did a survey about whether Twitter adheres to the principles of free speech or not, and he cautioned that the results would be significant. Most people voted that it doesn’t.

Then, a while later, he bought the god damn company.

I will not make the error of saying that this association is causation, but he repeatedly talked about how important free speech is for him. Given the fact the results showed that most people believe that Twitter doesn’t respect free speech, and he also may believe that, it is not that far-fetched to say that he bought Twitter to ensure that it will.

Flawed beings

Now, is this man a flawless superhero? Heck no, he is a human just like us, and some of his practices, such as overworking his employees, are not that great.

Should we hate him for that? I am sure that that’s a stupid idea because, given his position, most people would do far worse. Dealing with stress, and having that stupid amount of power and influence, would drive almost anyone nuts.

A lot of people criticize the use of his money. He couldn’ve ended the world hunger. That’s just bullshit.

I am not even going to get into the fact that he donated millions to charities.

Ending world hunger is not a problem of money, it is a problem of collective irresponsibility. It is not Elon Musk’s fault that we let other people starve, we don’t end stupid, senseless wars, and we hate each other.

This is a societal issue, and we need to grow up, stop pointing fingers at others, and start working individually and then collectively to solve problems we want to be gone.

I believe that people simply don’t know what this man did and how he helped us because otherwise, I find it delusional to see senseless hate towards him.

I love Zulie Rane’s writing, she inspired me to write on Medium, and I am very grateful for the advice she offers. However, I don’t really understand what purpose this article was actually serving

I don’t pretend to know her intentions, but maybe she tried to get attention towards the article by taking a different viewpoint. Nonetheless, she has quite the following, and inspiring people towards hate for no good reason is a shitty thing to do.

I believe that Elon Musk’s intentions are good, his actions speak louder than words. He wants to help humanity and protect free speech.

Pretty much everything this man touched got better, so I have high hopes for the future of Twitter.

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Eduard Sebastian

Psychologist & Content Writer. I write about psychology, self-development, and health. Contact: sebastianeduard0801@gmail.com