How AI specialists will take over the world after #crisis2020

Mx Hub
3 min readAug 31, 2019

If you take a look to AI vacancies you see:

  1. The number of AI jobs listed on Indeed from May 2018 to May 2019 grew 29 percent
  2. The number of candidates is not growing so fast: about 2 contenders per job position

3. $142,858: Average for highest-paying AI job title of 2019

4. Deep learning could account for $3.5 trillion to $5.8 trillion in annual value, according to McKinsey Global Institute.

Who will take over this $5.8 trillion in annual value?

Data is the driver of AI. At WEF-2018 World Innovation Economics session, we presented our concept of Data owners rewarding.

At WEF-2020 we will present the solution to deal with new global economic crisis: empowering millions data owners to become the beneficiaries of their community data sharing.

84% of global business organizations believe that AI will give them a competitive advantage.

(Source: Statista)

But AI is strongly depending on engineers. If engineers left companies to create own startups, even big companies will lose their competitive edge!

What business model will dominate?

The consumerization of SEM, SEO, ML and other tools for Direct-to-consumer sales automatization will change the structure of global economy, like electricity at the brink of 19–20 century. There is this change that really came as a result of the products being delivered over the web through SaaS or through the smartphone, through a mobile app store, where much lower level people could find a technology they bring it into the workplace themselves.

For instance, With Omneky, enterprise creative teams can keep track of what design and messaging features drive KPIs for each target audience, and get predictive scores for ads and landing pages before launching them on live audiences.

The future of work.

This is the base for the future of work: millions AI-driven startups instead of outdated blue-chip companies. Uberization trend is the catalyst for this process.

Millions of startups using SEM, SEO and targeted landing pages to acquire very specific types of users, and marketplaces aggregating the demand for them, there is the future of business ecosystems. That’s where you’ll see a product-led growth strategy, where users discover the product through consumer channels like social ads, search results or content marketing, and ultimately sign up and use the product without talking to a sales person.

Subscription-based startups will take over old-fashioned businesses.

There is the room for Uber-like oligopolies structuring value chains. We’re building one…Cost-Effective Health demand aggregator

Example of the outstanding power of Subscription-based startups:

old business with a turnover of 1.4 billion was sold for 100 million — to the subscription service

SoftBank Vision.

I have heard from Softbank founder his Vision: turn any item — a table, chair, door, car — into an element of a large network. How it will look like in health area see by link

Now, we are creating the consortium in this connection, for Uberization of health-related area.

Join our Future of Work consortium, if your vision is complimentary…



Mx Hub

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