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Landed Your First Job or Starting a New Journey at a New Company? This Is What You Should Do…

Eduardo Ibarra Casanova


Things you need to do when you land a job at a new company.

When a person lands a job at a new company, most of the time, this new opportunity comes with a lot of questions and uncertainty. This is due to the challenge of adapting to something new. It’s challenging to adapt to the company’s culture, perspective, fit in with the new co-workers, and most importantly find a way to use the skills to not only help the company achieve its goals, but to assist society through the company’s services.

At university we learn all the important theories and skills required for the field we are majoring in, however, we are never taught what we should we do after we graduate and land that first job. How should we behave? What are the important things we need to do to be able to stand out, learn, and keep going up the ladder within that company? How should we handle training? How we should “play well with other children”?

Personally, I never got the answers from those questions at university, I found these answers after I landed my first job. I wanted to share them with all of those people out there who are recent graduates, landing their first jobs and do not know how to handle the experience, and also for people who are starting a new journey at a new company. I believe that if you do these things the adaptation not only will be easier, but I believe these tips will help you grow as a professional and move up the ladder at your company quicker.

Network and build strong relationships: Meet new people, take the time to talk to other co-workers, there is a lot you can learn from others. Every person brings something important to the table, you bring something important to the table too, that’s why the company chose you and your co-workers. Talk and learn from them, you would be impressed by the amount of knowledge in other people. Build strong business relationships. This will enable you to build your own team in the future either because you get to own your own business or because you have to manage your own team within the company.

Be a leader: Take not only responsibility, but ownership of the tasks that need to be performed, lead a team, offer ideas, explain your point of view, and listen to others. When you are a good leader, people will not only like to work with you, but will enjoy achieving goals as a team. There is nothing better than working with a group of people were everyone feels a sense of comfort. Do your best in leading and your name will be well-recognized in the company.

Be confident: You are where you are for a reason, trust your skills, your personality, abilities, and your knowledge. If you are confident it’s easier to perform to your full potential.

Be willing to learn: There is always room fro improvement. Since the very beginning, you will be learning. It will actually even feel a little bit overwhelming because of all the new information that you will be provided. However, it is up to you to take the time to assimilate all of that information and skills and start growing in your professional career or just be an average person on your field. Be willing to learn new things, sometimes we like to stick to our own way of doing certain tasks, but I encourage you to be willing to study all the new things you are learning and go with the most effective one.

Be a good listener: During the first months of starting a job, be a good listener, it will take you some time to get used to all of the procedures, standards, and policies. Be a good listener, analyze how the company likes to operate, and when you get the required experience you can start suggesting and applying effective ways to do things, but you will not be able to improve a service if you don’t take your time to listen, learn, and understand the reasons of why things are done the way they are.

Get the most out of it: At the end of the day, this opportunity is one more experience under your belt. Take advantage of it because you never know when it will end. I encourage you to enjoy the ride, enjoy what you are doing, use your skills to assist others and get the most out of that experience. Remember that everything you learn will serve as a form of knowledge that can assist you in the future throughout your career.

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Eduardo Ibarra Casanova

Writing as a hobby with the goal of contributing to personal growth, motivating , and helping others through my own personal experiences.