Edtech & Future of Work — January 2024

2 min readFeb 12, 2024


  • The fundraising activity is surging compared to the previous month, with up to 85 deals compared to 55 in December. However, the amount raised has decreased from 20%.
  • In 2024, the North American Edtech field has taken off like a rocket, representing more than 50% of the global funding amount. Europe, Asia, account for 17%, and 19%, respectively.
  • Quora, a question-and-answer website, raised an impressive $75m in a Series E funding round, led by Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), to fuel the growth of POE, its AI chat platform.

Some notable funding rounds around the world

M&A Deals

  • There were 18 M&A deals this month, which represents 38% more than December.
  • The K-12's sector is going the right way as Édifice — a digital platform for schools — successfully managed a LBO, allowing Educapital to do an exit, and in the same time, introducing BPI as a new investor.

Edifice is one of the major actor when it comes to student-centred solutions fostering communication, collaboration, and cooperation among Primary, Secondary and College teachers, students, parents, and their communities. So far, the company has raised c.$13m.

Trend of the month





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