Strategies to Effectively Teach Slow Learners

Cynthia Ekwueme
4 min readJul 21, 2023


In any classroom, there are individuals with varying learning needs and diverse abilities. As an educator, it is critical to adopt appropriate and effective teaching methods that cater to a population that is sometimes overlooked: slow learners.

Slow learners are those who learn at a slower speed than the average. Thankfully, there are strategies you can employ to help them improve their skills.

In this article, we will explore the characteristics of slow learners, delve into effective methods of teaching, and offer strategies to support their educational journey.

Photo by Max Fischer

Slow learners are those who learn at a slower speed than the average. Thankfully, there are strategies you can employ to help them improve their skills.

Teaching Methods

Teaching methods are the broad principles, procedures, and management strategies employed in the classroom to empower learners. There are several teaching methods broadly classified as teacher-centered and student-centered.

However, there are factors that influence the method you may want to adopt: the nature of the learners, the subject being taught, and the sort of learning you wish to achieve. If you are teaching an experimental course in science, for instance, it is preferable to use the demonstration method together with a good explanation rather than only the lecture method.

Also, to encourage students to actively participate in the whole learning process, the collaboration method should be explored. It allows students to communicate and listen to one another’s perspectives and also creates a personal connection between students and the topic of study, helping them think more objectively.

This method of teaching includes group projects and conversations. Teachers may use collaboration to assess students’ teamwork qualities, leadership skills, or presentation skills.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to identify students who are falling behind, figure out the challenges causing them to fall behind, and plan specific instructional pacing and remedial education, among other strategies, for them.

Characteristics of Slow Learners

Poor Comprehension

One of the most significant difficulties faced by slow learners is comprehension problems, which can be caused by a lack of understanding, boredom, or disinterest that ultimately results in a lack of capacity to link thoughts and retain text.

A student’s overall performance will be low until their comprehension power is completely awakened.

Short Attention Span

Slow learners may also have difficulty staying focused on their lesson for an extended period of time without being distracted by their thoughts or other external factors.

A short attention span has a variety of negative consequences, including missing critical facts, poor performance, the inability to finish everyday duties, and, worst of all, exam malpractice.

Weakness in Rational Thinking

Lack of knowledge lowers confidence, which is equally true for slow learners. This affects their ability to think rationally and make well-informed choices, both of which have a substantial negative effect on performance.

Expression Problems

Slow learners lack the capacity to adequately convey their points of view during classroom activities and assessment exercises because they lack poor comprehension and in-depth knowledge of the learning concept.

Lack of Basic Skills and a Careless Work Habit

Other readily apparent characteristics among slow learners are limitations in basic abilities such as reading and writing, trouble comprehending complex concepts related to mathematical problems, and, most concerning, their sometimes unorganized and sloppy work practices.

Strategies to Improve Slow Learners

Remedial Teaching

Remedial education is primarily intended to assist students who have not mastered specific learning topics. During this time, the teacher reteaches previously taught learning content in order to address learning gaps for pupils who did not fully grasp the concept.

Slow learners can be taught in a separate class where they can learn and relearn at their own pace and in simpler words until the concept is learned.

Active Learning

Methods of teaching, such as the demonstrative approach, engage learners’ minds as they make the teaching and learning process more engaging.

Active learning piques students’ interest and helps them connect with the lesson’s concept. Real-life applications help students understand concepts by painting a clear picture in their minds.

Peer tutoring

Peer mentorship, also known as peer coaching, is a concept in which students of similar ages, levels of experience, or both work to achieve a common goal—learning.

The teacher can assign certain students to teach the slow learners, which aids learning because the students can teach in a more informal and less technical manner.

Use of audio-visual materials

Incorporating instructional materials such as video recordings, charts, PowerPoint presentations, graphical drawings, and audio notes improves slow learners’ concentration and listening abilities rather than simply delivering extended speeches and engaging pupils in tedious reading tasks.

Motivation and Rewards

Every achievement should be followed by motivation and reward. If the teacher praises him and gives him self-confidence, the slow learner will improve, as they will likely want to experience more of that exciting moment. As a result, motivation and rewards should be offered promptly following the desired or correct behavior.

Use of Individualized Resources

Adopt instructional strategies that allow students to develop from basic to advanced learning. Incorporate several methods of teaching, exercises, and assessment tests that are beneficial to the slow learner.

This allows students to comprehend more quickly, gain confidence, and eventually improve their proficiency level.


You should reconsider your teaching method if it does not demonstrate comprehension to every student in the classroom.

Identify the hurdles that slow learners experience, such as comprehension issues, poor rational thinking, expression difficulties, short attention spans, and careless work habits.

Teaching strategies like remedial teaching, active learning, peer tutoring, the use of audio-visual materials, motivation, and individualized resources can help in successfully teaching slow learners.



Cynthia Ekwueme

I write for blogs and help teachers create course materials based on solid research, sharing my knowledge on effective teaching and EdTech one post at a time.