30 Sabar Quotes in Urdu: A Treasure of Patience and Wisdom

DP For Boys
6 min readOct 15, 2023


Explore a collection of 30 Sabar quotes in Urdu, a testament to patience and wisdom. Delve into inspiring insights that remind us of the power of resilience.

In a world that often seems chaotic and fast-paced, embracing patience and resilience is a virtue that can truly transform our lives. To inspire and motivate you on your journey, we’ve curated a collection of 30 Sabar quotes in Urdu. These timeless quotes serve as a source of wisdom, guiding us towards the path of forbearance, understanding, and inner peace.

30 Sabar Quotes in Urdu
1. Sabar — The Key to Inner Peace
“صبر کی تصدیق اندر کی آزادی ہے۔” (Patience is the freedom within.)

In the hustle and bustle of life, we often forget the power of patience in finding inner peace. This quote beautifully reminds us that patience is the key to unlock the treasure of freedom within ourselves.

2. The Virtue of Sabar
“صبر کا پھل میٹھا ہوتا ہے۔” (The fruit of patience is sweet.)

This profound quote teaches us that while the path of patience may be challenging, the rewards it brings are as sweet as ripe fruit.

3. The Patience of a River
“دریائے صبر کی طرح ہو، سنسانی میں بھی بہا کرے۔” (Be like a river of patience, flowing even in desolation.)

This quote paints a vivid picture of a river, symbolizing the constancy and resilience of patience. Just like a river flows even in the barren lands, our patience should persist in the face of adversity.

4. The Art of Waiting
“صبر سب سے بڑا کرم ہے۔” (Patience is the greatest virtue.)

This quote encapsulates the essence of patience as a virtue that transcends all others. It is a reminder that patience is the cornerstone of greatness.

5. Strength in Sabar
“صبر اک شہرارت ہے جس میں ہمیں قوت ملتی ہے۔” (Patience is a skill that grants us strength.)

Sabar is not just about waiting; it is a skill that empowers us with strength and resilience to face life’s challenges.

6. The Calm After the Storm
“طوفان سے پہلے کی سکون ہوتی ہے۔” (Calm precedes the storm.)

This quote reminds us that in times of chaos and turbulence, patience allows us to find serenity before the storm.

7. The Patience of Trees
“درختوں کی طرح صبر کرنا سیکھو۔ وہ بیغمان ہوتے ہیں لیکن ہر چمکتی ہوئی چیز کو گود لیتے ہیں۔” (Learn to be patient like trees. They stand silently but embrace every falling leaf.)

Trees teach us that patience doesn’t mean inaction; it’s about being steadfast while welcoming change.

8. The Eternal Gift of Patience
“صبر کی تصدیق کیسے کی جاتی ہے؟ تکلیف کی ایک لمحے کو صبر کر کے دیکھو۔” (How is patience confirmed? Endure a moment of pain.)

This quote is a reminder that true patience is tested when we endure moments of discomfort.

9. The Power of Sabar
“صبر سب کچھ کرسکتا ہے، جب تک آپ حرفت سے رہیں۔” (Patience can achieve anything as long as you persist.)

Unwavering persistence is the secret behind the incredible power of patience.

10. The Beauty of Sabar
“صبر کی خوبصورتی اس کی دل کی پکار ہوتی ہے۔” (The beauty of patience lies in the cry of the heart.)

This quote beautifully captures the essence of patience as a heartfelt, silent call for inner strength.

11. Resilience in Adversity
“زخموں کا مظاہر صبر ہوتا ہے۔” (The manifestation of wounds is patience.)

In the face of pain and suffering, patience is the armor that helps us endure and heal.

12. The Patience of Love
“محبت میں صبر کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔” (Love requires patience.)

This quote reflects on the patience needed in love, emphasizing that true love perseveres through the trials of time.

13. Sabar — A Virtuous Companion
“صبر سب کچھ ہے جو ہمارا ساتھی بنتا ہے۔” (Patience becomes our virtuous companion.)

Patience is not just a virtue; it’s a lifelong companion that walks by our side.

14. The Fortitude of Patience
“صبر، کچھ بھی کرنے کی طاقت ہوتی ہے۔” (Patience is the strength to do anything.)

This quote underscores that with patience, we gain the strength to accomplish anything.

15. Sabar as a Healing Balm
“صبر دل کے جراحتوں کو ٹھیک کرتا ہے۔” (Patience heals the wounds of the heart.)

In moments of heartbreak and despair, patience acts as a soothing balm, aiding in the process of healing.

16. The Reward of Perseverance
“صبر کا پھل دنیا میں اور آخرت میں بھی میٹھا ہوتا ہے۔” (The fruit of patience is sweet in this world and the hereafter.)

This quote serves as a reminder that patience not only brings rewards in this life but also in the hereafter.

17. Patience in Silence
“چپ رہو اور صبر کرو، وہ تمہیں دنیا میں اور آخرت میں کامیاب بنائے گا۔” (Be silent and patient, and it will make you successful in this world and the hereafter.)

Silence, coupled with patience, is a recipe for success both in this world and the hereafter.

18. Sabar — A Source of Strength
“صبر کی طاقت کسی کو بھی اڑنے نہیں دیتی، بلکہ بلندیوں تک پہنچاتی ہے۔” (Patience doesn’t make anyone fall; it elevates them.)

Patience isn’t a weakness; it’s a source of strength that propels individuals to greater heights.

19. Patience Through Storms
“طوفانوں کی راحت صبر میں ہوتی ہے۔” (The solace in storms is found in patience.)

This quote beautifully illustrates that the solace during life’s storms is hidden in the virtue of patience.

20. The Grace of Sabar
“صبر کی خوشبوداری وہ مسکراہٹ ہے جو چھپتی ہے۔” (The grace of patience is the smile that hides within.)

Patience carries an inner grace, a hidden smile that glows within us.

21. Sabar — A Beacon of Hope
“صبر کا دیپ اک امید کی روشنی ہوتا ہے۔” (The lamp of patience is a beacon of hope.)

This quote reminds us that patience lights the way in times of darkness, providing hope.

22. The Patience of Saints
“صبر کا علم دیگر چیزوں کی تلاش میں مدد فراہم کرتا ہے۔” (The wisdom of patience aids in the search for other things.)

This quote emphasizes how patience is a virtue that guides us in seeking knowledge and understanding.

23. The Timeless Wisdom of Sabar
“صبر کی باتوں کی ادائیں ہمیں زندگی کی حقیقتوں کا علم دیتی ہیں۔” (The words of patience impart the knowledge of life’s truths.)

This quote highlights the timeless wisdom that patience imparts, offering insights into the truths of life.

24. A Shield of Patience
“صبر وقت کی لگام ہوتا ہے جو ہمیں برابری کا رستہ دکھاتا ہے۔” (Patience is the rein of time that shows us the path of equity.)

This quote underlines that patience acts as a shield, guiding us towards the path of fairness.

25. Patience — The Elixir of Life
“صبر جیو اور جینے دو۔” (Live with patience, let others live.)

This quote beautifully captures the essence of living a harmonious life with patience as our guiding principle.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the significance of Sabar in Urdu culture?
In Urdu culture, Sabar, or patience, is highly revered. It is seen as a virtue that represents strength, resilience, and the ability to endure life’s challenges while maintaining inner peace.

How can I cultivate patience in my daily life?
Cultivating patience requires practice. You can start by taking deep breaths in moments of stress, reframing situations positively, and reminding yourself of the long-term benefits of patience.

Are there any famous personalities who exemplify the virtue of Sabar?
Yes, numerous famous personalities, both historical and contemporary, have exemplified the virtue of Sabar. Some of these include Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa.

Can Sabar help in improving relationships?
Absolutely. Patience is a cornerstone of healthy relationships. It helps in effective communication, understanding, and resolving conflicts amicably.

How does Sabar affect our mental and emotional well-being?
Practicing Sabar can significantly improve mental and emotional well-being. It reduces stress, anxiety, and promotes a sense of inner calm and happiness.

What are some practical tips for developing patience?
Some practical tips for developing patience include setting realistic expectations, focusing on the bigger picture, and practicing gratitude for the present moment.

In a world that often demands speed and immediate results, embracing the art of Sabar is a precious gift. These 30 Sabar quotes in Urdu are a testament to the strength, wisdom, and resilience that patience can bring into our lives. By infusing our days with patience, we not only find inner peace but also inspire those around us. So, as you navigate the journey of life, remember the profound words of these quotes and let Sabar be your guiding light.

