My Knowledge on Data Science was Everything Internet and Computer Systems


Rhoda Korley-Owu

On the 2nd of March 2019, Prince Osei Aboagye, a Prospective data scientist took us through Data Science. Before this lecture, my knowledge on data science was everything Internet and computer systems and anything that has to do with Information technology.

Prince Osei Aboagye was about to narrow down my knowledge to specifics and straight to the point. With this lecture, I learned there is still no unique definition of Data Science. Terms like Analytics Professionals, Data mining and Business Intelligence were very much associated with Data Science. “Data science includes hacking skills, substantive expertise. Thus is the intersection of hacking skills, Math and statistics knowledge and substantive expertise” according to Prince Osei Aboagye. Hitherto this lecture I always associated algorithms to just social media but I learned it was a way of programming by giving specific instructions a system should perform to bring an expected output.

Some Data science applications include autonomous cars (which I think will take a long time if ever to come to West Africa considering the nature of our roads :)), Alpha Go etc. I also learned Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Deep learning. Artificial intelligence though, can encompass both Machine learning and Deep learning.

In all Data Science can be counted as holding knowledge and discovering knowledge electronically. Some sites to learn more about Data Science are; Coursera, git hub, practical machine learning and kaggle. I can’t wait to explore more on Data sciences on these sites.



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