Step-by-Step Guide To Add Custom Tokens in MetaMask Wallet

5 min readDec 24, 2021


Step-by-Step Guide To Add Custom Tokens in Metamask Wallet

We received a lot of queries and questions from the community regarding how to add custom tokens in MetaMask. So here’s our guide on how to add custom tokens in the MetaMask wallet and start your lending journey on UniLend permissionless protocol.

In order to add custom tokens first, you need to set up your MetaMask wallet on your preferred chain.

Check out our guide to set up a MetaMask wallet on Polygon and Ethereum Chain. In this guide, we’re taking the Ethereum chain as an example.

Continue reading the simplified blog to exactly know how to add custom tokens in MetaMask.

Steps-by-Step guide to add custom tokens on Metamask

Adding an Existing Token to MetaMask

MetaMask wallet provides a wide list of crypto tokens that can be added with just a simple click. If your token is already listed on the default list, adding tokens in the MetaMask wallet is easy as pie. In this case, we will use the DAI token as an example.

1. Click the Import Token option at the bottom of the MetaMask menu
2. Search for DAI token in the default search list.
3. Then click on Next and click on the Import option

Congratulations! DAI Token is now successfully added to your MetaMask wallet list.

In this case, adding a token was a cakewalk. The entire process for adding a token that isn’t listed on MetaMask is a bit different — but still straightforward.

Adding Custom Token in Metamask Wallet

Now if your preferred token is not on the default search list, users can add custom tokens in MetaMask wallet in just simple steps using the token contract address. Let’s look at the process of adding a custom token using the following steps:

Step 1: Search token on Metamask default list.
Search MetaMask to confirm a custom token add is required. Let’s take $DYDX as an example in this case.

As we can see above, the $DYDX token is not available in the existing MetaMask token list.

Step 2: Search Etherscan for Token Contact Address

Visit the website and type in the token symbol ($DYDX in this case) into the search field on the homepage. You may find your result from the dropdown — you can click on that result.

In such cases, users are required to add tokens by reference to the token’s contract address.

Please make sure to use services like Etherscan, CoinMarketCap, and Coingecko, as they make finding these contract addresses easy and secure. One should always reference the official website of the token to ensure authenticity.

Step 3: Get Token Contact Address from Token Profile

Etherscan’s profile pages include a great deal of information about cryptocurrencies. Official token websites, social accounts, recent on-chain transactions, and more may all be found here.

The authenticity of the profile page will be shown by a blue verification checkmark for more notable cryptocurrencies. We’re looking for the token contract address, which is shown below:

DYDK Token Contract Address: 0x92d6c1e31e14520e676a687f0a93788b716beff5

Click the copy/paste icon next to the token address (shown on mouse-hover) to copy the address to the clipboard. This will allow easy entry into the MetaMask wallet.

Step 4: Add Token Contract Address to Metamask

Now we will copy-paste the token contract address taken from above step 3, and fill in the details for adding a custom token in the MetaMask wallet.

1. Simply just click on the Import token option on the bottom of the MetaMask wallet.

2. Select the Custom Token Tab

3. Copy and paste the token contract address from

4. Click on Add Custom Token and confirm the process.

Voila! Custom token ($DYDK) on Metamask wallet is now successfully added.

Now Metamask wallet is all set up to send and receive the new custom token at this stage! If the process wasn’t already easy enough, etherscan adds a custom Metamask integration to the mix.

You may add the custom token to your Metamask automatically by selecting it from the more dropdown menu, as illustrated in the image below:

Clicking the Add Token skips all the copy/pasting and directly adds the custom token to your MetaMask wallet.

Congratulations, just like that, you have successfully added a custom token in your MetaMask wallet. Hopefully, this guide has helped you to add a custom token on MetaMask and begin your lending journey in UniLend Permissionless Protocol to earn High APY.

Do like and share this with your peers and help them to add custom tokens on MetaMask.

Stay Tuned for further updates.






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