Top Ways to Improve Your Computer Skills and Why You Need a Basic Computer Course in Chandigarh

3 min readNov 29, 2021


It’s becoming increasingly important to be proficient in basic computer skills, as the use of technology is becoming more and more common in all kinds of workplaces. And that is why employers expect every worker to have basic computer skills. This is also why more and more people are looking for a basic computer course in Chandigarh.

Coming back to employers, the reason why they look for computer skills in your resume is that this proves your relevance as a candidate in the current work environment. This means that you must be able to use a computer while on the job.

If, however, you are not proficient in computer skills, then these are the five easy ways to improve them —

1. Find out what exactly you need to know

If you have already found an advertisement for a job position, then you probably don’t have much time to learn computer skills elaborately. And that is why it’s crucial to make the most of your time. You can use this time to focus on the most important areas.

Find out what exact skills you need to learn. A great way to find out what computer skills you should focus on is by interacting with others in your field and finding out what basic and advanced skills they have. You can also find a lot of this information online.

Are you unsure where to begin? Reread the job description. Your employer must have already mentioned what specific skills they expect so that the selected candidate can perform their job without issues.

2. Begin with the basics and learn how to use a computer.

Computer basics are something everyone should know in the present-day scenario. Yes, before you can learn any advanced technical skills, you must have a basic understanding of how to use computers, ideally both with Windows and Mac operating systems.

3. Take an online or in-person computer course

There are numerous ways you can learn tech skills online for free. Video search engines should allow you to search for almost anything that you need. You can also find free online college-level courses on the internet if you are looking for something more formal.

Although free courses are readily available, a paid course imparted by an experienced trainer will offer better learning outcomes. Don’t worry about the availability of such courses. You can easily find a good basic computer course in Chandigarh upon doing some research.

4. Use the knowledge by putting it into practice

Try to find a way to gain hands-on experience if a job description requires you to be familiar with a particular tool. Let’s say that a job requires you to be proficient in Microsoft office. There are many ways you can use this software in your day-to-day life. You can use Microsoft word to write down what you have learned and use PowerPoint to create revision slides.

Get as creative as possible. To learn how to use Google Calendar, use it to schedule and plan your family’s activities and appointments. Want to learn how Skype works? Register for a Skype account to make a video chat with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.

Alternatively, you could also practice a skill such as a web design, graphic design, or development by entering contests posted online.

If you need to familiarize yourself with paid software or tools that you can’t access, check to see if the app offers a demo and if it has training videos. You’ll be able to get a basic understanding of the structure and functions of the software.

Lastly, you should be honest about your abilities and skills in front of your employer. Don’t oversell your skills. You can mention that you don’t have a particular skill or that you plan to learn it. This will highlight your desire to learn and quickly acquire new skills.




We offer online marketing certificate courses in Chandigarh. We also offer basic computer training, IELTS and digital marketing courses.