MY TIIDELab Cohort 4 Experience (2.0)πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸš€

Eduvie Udusegbe
6 min readAug 8, 2022



Deadlines, stress and breakthroughs!

WELCOME BACK to another installment of Ed’s TIIDELab Experience. A series where I take you through my 6 month journey in the Cohort 4 fellowship. If you missed last months article, read it here MY TIIDELab Cohort 4 Experience (1.0)πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸš€.

In this article we will cover:

  1. Key Moments
  2. Technical Skills Experiences (2.0)
  3. Soft Skills Experiences(2.0)


Team Projects

After successfully concluding learning HTML & CSS basics, we were given our first team projects to build. This project is crafted to help us understand what we are required to work on, as developers, for a project to be successful.

My team (team High-TIIDE) was given an Advanced Employee Management System to work on. We had to first think about the layout of the system before even thinking about what to code, which I really enjoyed doing.
We started with preparing our SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document as well as our FRD (Functional Requirement Document).
Then conducted our User Research to determine who our customers are and what we can provide for them to truly enjoy using our platform.
While working on that, we designed the UI in conjunction with the research and analysis we conducted. You can find some snapshots of our project details below.

Project Overview for our Advanced Employee Management System
Team High-TIIDE Members

Miss Celeste, one of our mentors in the cohort, held an interactive with us on the importance of carrying out proper product research before hoping into doing critical work. She highlighted some key points to work on such as our Target Audience, Pain Points & Competitive Analysis. We used all these and more to the derive our Value Proposition which we plan on subsequently implementing into the project.

This whole process of getting our documents ready and gathering user feedback was an interesting one. Strenuous but interesting. It feels surreal that we were able to accomplish all of this in a month! There is still quite a lot to do such as, working in depth on the UI/UX designs, implementing the User Research Data, Coding all the required aspects of the platform (which I will write short blogs on my Hashnode as we progress), testing and finally deployment. If you would like to see how I work on all this click that follow button and stay tuned to the next update ;).

World Youth Skills Day (WYSD)

July 15th.
I dressed up as a Business Man. What does a business man look like you ask? Well take a look:

Dressed like a Business Man for WYSD

We were asked to dress up as what we would have chosen if we weren’t in tech. I chose business and business management for good reason. I really like the idea of operating a high value business and maximizing profits, that and many others aspects of it.
We equally made a video for WYSD that advocated the inclusion of TVET in the Nigerian education curriculum. The video was really fun to make, although squeezing information in a short video wasn’t all that easy.

World Youth Skills day at TIIDELab
My Teammates dressed in their regalia

Unveiling of Mentors

Yes! Our wonderful mentors. I am more than pleased to have someone who I can turn to for advice, someone who has gone through similar steps and gathered knowledge on facets of the tech and business industry. They shared their success stories and encouraged us all to reevaluate our reasons for being in this program, and our commitment to it.
My mentor so happens to be the most recent mentor to join the program, Ms. Zeenat Lawal who works as Front-End Dev at Amyapp in New Zeeland. I am eager to listen and learning as well as work with Ms. Zeenat for the next few months :D.

TIIDELab Cohort 4 Mentors

Technical Skills Experiences β€” (2.0)

Progress! This month was mainly centered on tying the finishing knot on Front-End basics and diving straight into learning the fundamentals of coding especially training our Problem Solving skills.
Our coach for this section is Mr. Kenny with support form Mr. Peter. They have done such an amazing job explaining what JavaScript is and it’s usefulness to us as Junior Devs. So far in this section I’ve learnt about:

  1. Bindings
  2. Data Types
  3. Type conversion
  4. Closure
  5. Recursion
  6. Functions
  7. Objects
  8. Regular Expressions etc.

I have also written a couple of assignments that covered Loops in JavaScript, which I wrote an article on with the title How to… Write a For Loop in JavaScript 🎭 β€” 1/2.

Soft Skills Experiences β€” (2.0)

As always, what will learning be like without knowing how to think and act the right way.
Big Brother, our honorable DJ, Mr. Shams (aderoju shamsudeen) introduced us to the concept of Smart Decision Making where I learnt about the PrOACT method (Problem, Objectives, Alternatives, Consequences & Trade-offs). The most exciting part was seeing how the various teams acted our two scenarios that called for applying this decision making method.

PROACT Decision Making Method Display

These skills came in handy when working on our technical documentation! They never go to waste, I can assure you of that.


Closing Note

This month was filled with up and downs. The were many times I had to sit down and rethink my strategies on moving forward, seeing as so many other things were happening in the background. However, the constant reassurance and help from my wonderful team members and Team Lead Solabi Abraham who I thank for their dedication, really helped to progress in the work.

I would like to leave you with these words of wisdom Mr. Molema Lema left us with:

β€œstay consistent, hungry and humble”
β€œanybody can paint but not everyone can make art”
β€œyou can loose everything, but don’t loose time”

With that I bid you all ADIEU, until the next one!β€” See you in the next article Experience (3.0) πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸ’»

Twitter 🐦: @eduvieowen
LinkedIn πŸ’Ό: @eduvieowen
Instagram πŸ“·: @eduvie.ou
GitHub πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸš€: @eduvieowen
Hashnode πŸ“°: @eduvieowen

