Can a Psychic Predict the Next Winning Lottery Combination?

Edvin Hiltner
10 min readMar 27, 2021

Have you ever sought the help of a psychic to win a lottery game?

You are not the only one. Many people suppose psychic predictions can be their tickets to fortune. Can anyone foresees what the next winning numbers will be? Not quite.

I have some practical reasoning and personal deductions regarding this topic. Mathematics can provide a better way of predicting the lottery.

Learn what can improve your games and bring you closer to the jackpot.

Psychic Predictions From Success Stories

Searching Google about lottery winners and psychic predictions will give you many interesting stories.

David Thomson won $160,000 in the Jersey Cash 5. He claimed a psychic predicted his lottery win.

Carolyn O’Brien won $3 million in the Connecticut Lottery. She said that a psychic foretold her about winning the lottery years ago.

These stories can pique your interest since winners attribute their success to psychic predictions. Yet, do you notice something common in these two stories?

Their psychic predictions only told them about having a lot of money in the future. In David Thomson’s case, the psychic card reader said she saw him with lots of money in his future. With Carolyn O’Brien, the psychic saw her holding a check in her hand.

The psychics did not provide them with the winning numbers. They also have yet to tell them the exact date of their winning. These psychics only provided them with the hope for a future win. This is a big help because it motivates them to keep playing, although there is no guarantee of winning.

No psychic can tell what exact numbers will win in the next lottery draws.

Psychic Lori Stevens claimed she has many clients asking for winning lottery numbers. She often explained to them that the lottery is a gambling game. She added a machine determines the winning number, so she only provides clients with their lucky numbers.

The medium and clairvoyant Katrina-Jade Bart admits she’s never known another clairvoyant who has given lottery numbers to a client. She added that it is also not what they do. Her advice is to take action if you have a strong sense that you will win.

The first step to winning the lottery is to buy a ticket. Thus, a woman with psychic powers took action and won £1m in the EuroMillions Millionaire Raffle. Ocean Kinge felt this strong winning sense, so she took action.

She started a syndicate at her workplace to hint that even psychics themselves might not predict the next winning numbers. A lottery syndicate is a group of people pooling their money to cover more lines or combinations in a lottery game. (Read An Introduction to Lottery Syndicate.)

She had a positive vibe and energy but needed to know which numbers to use. With 14 other co-workers, they bought many lottery combinations and luckily won. Each syndicate member got £66,666.66.

Considering all these stories, we could gather important pointers about lottery predictions and games.

  • Psychics cannot predict the next winning lottery numbers. If one psychic can, do you think he will share it with others?
  • Psychic predictions are only partially useful to lottery players. They can provide players with inspiration and motivation to keep playing.
  • If you feel an intense winning vibe, buy a ticket and play the lottery for fun.

Do Your Best When You Play Lotto

The story of Ocean Kinge is a good example of what it means to do your best as a lottery player. She knows she would have a better chance of winning the lottery if she bought more combinations.

She gave her best by encouraging her co-workers to join her lottery syndicate. Through their pooled money, they covered more lines. Kinge took action and even shared a good vibe with other people.

When playing the lotteries, solo and syndicate players must realize that the best way to play is to use the most favorable line among all lottery combinations.

What is a lottery combination?

A lottery combination contains the required numbers from the game’s field. For example, in the Colorado Lottery Lotto game, a combination must have six numbers selected from 1 to 40.

What determines if a combination is favorable?

A combination may contain a certain amount of odd, even, low, and high numbers, which describe its composition. The specific composition of a combination will determine if it is favorable for a player to use.

For example, in a 6/40 lotto game, there are 38,760 ways you can combine six even numbers. And there are 1,299,600 ways you can combine numbers using 3-odd-3-even patterns.

Since more combinations comprise 3-odd and 3-even numbers, most winning combinations will come from the 3-odd-3-even group. According to the probability theory, a truly random lottery draw tends to pick winning combinations from the dominant group.

The table below will show the difference between the two combinatorial groups and how the analysis provides the right choice for getting the most favorable shots.

More info: The Winning Lottery Formula Based on Combinatorics and Probability Theory

To do your best as a lottery player, you must know the combinations that will give you the best shot possible.

You don’t want to bet on a combination that will only give you one favorable shot after 100 attempts. Your job as a player is to ensure you get more favorable shots to get the best value for your money. In a 6/40 game, your best shot is to bet on a more balanced 3-odd-3-even combination.

However, there’s more to the lottery’s composition than meets the eye. The number field is composed of odd and even numbers, but those numbers can be further organized into sets of low and high numbers.

Therefore, having the right amount of odd and even numbers in your composition doesn’t mean you’re doing the best shot. For example, the line 1–2–3–4–5–6 belongs to the 3-odd-3-even group. Yet betting on this line is not one of the most sensible decisions you can make since it is composed of purely low numbers.

According to probability theory, a truly random draw distributes numbers across the number field. Therefore, most winning combinations must have a balanced mix of low and high numbers.

In short, you get two contradictory conclusions when you deal with two separate analyses. An odd/even analysis will contradict the low/high analysis.

We use the Lotterycodex method to combine odd/even and low/high numbers into one combinatorial and probability analysis to solve this contradiction. More on this later, or read my free guide, The Winning Lottery Formula Based on Combinatorics and Probability Theory.

Predicting the Best Lotto Combinations

A lottery game is a truly random event. You cannot influence or change the underlying probability. You cannot beat the odds.

But you can predict the lottery to an extent. You can predict how the lottery behaves over time using the tools of combinatorics and probability theory. When I say predicting, I mean determining the combinations that will dominate the lottery over time. I will continue to dominate as the number of draws gets larger and larger to fulfill the law of large numbers.

Unfortunately, the mathematical methods can be confusing to many people. Thus, players resort to asking individuals with psychic abilities and using other techniques and even silly methods for picking lotto numbers.

One common way of picking lotto numbers is through statistics of past draw results. They look at past (about 100) draws to determine hot and cold numbers.

Hot numbers are frequently drawn numbers. Cold numbers are less frequently drawn numbers. There are some state lottery websites with online tools for finding these numbers.

These hot and cold numbers don’t work.

Lottery games follow certain mathematical laws. Among them is the law of large numbers, which states that with many draws, all lottery balls even out. This means that over time, no number will stand out from the rest.

A lottery game is random but also mathematically deterministic due to its finite structure.

Source: A Visual Analysis of a Truly Random Lottery with a Deterministic Outcome

The above image is a computer-generated picture of a lottery’s randomness. It illustrates the deterministic nature of a lottery game and hints at how you could be less mathematically wrong in most draws.

As I have discussed earlier, composition matters. Since combinations are not created equally, combinatorial groups with varying ratios of success to failure exist.

You must use the combinatorial group with the best success and failure ratio.

It is not possible to change the lottery’s underlying probability. It is also impossible to beat the lottery’s odds. However, as a lotto player, you have the power to calculate your ratio of success to failure. You can make the right choice. Even choosing not to play is a strategy by itself if you think the odds are too monumental.

When playing the lottery, keep your expectations real by accepting more losses than winnings. Although you cannot predict the next winning numbers, you can play with more favorable shots and fewer possibilities of losing.

Mathematics is your friend to know the many possibilities. And if you have to consult a psychic guy, you should ask for one with exceptional math skills. That said, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty part.

Combinatorics and Probability for Playing Lotteries

We calculate how likely you will win in a lottery game using the formula below:

If you play the Virginia lottery 6/40 game called Bank-a-Million using 1–2–3–4–5–6, the probability of winning is 1 in 3,838,380. Each of the remaining 3,838,379 combinations also has the same probability.

You may only increase your winning probability by purchasing more combinations. Any combination will do since all combinations' winning probability is the same. Or does it?

Well, if you pick 1–2–3–4–5–6 and then buy 2–3–4–5–6–7 and another ticket with 20–21–22–23–24–25, you are probably not making the most sensible decisions in your life.

How could you pick the most favorable combinations? The solution is to consider the odds.

Odds and probability are two different terms. Surprisingly, they are not mathematically equivalent.

To measure the odds, we use the following equation.

Odds compare the number of ways you get favorable shots with the number of ways you don’t. Thus, we also call the odds the ratio of success to failure.

Let’s use odd and even numbers to illustrate what we mean by the ratio of success to failure or simply odds.

Let’s use the Bank-a-Million 6/40 game as an example.

The odd and even numbers are:

Odd = {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39}

Even = {2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40}

The 6-number combinations you create may follow any of the patterns below.

More info: How to Win the Lottery According to Math

As you can see from the table above, the best combinatorial group with the best ratio of success to failure is the 3-odd-3-even group. With this group, you get 34 favorable shots out of 100 attempts.

The worst groups are those with the 6-even and 6-odd patterns. You have to spend 100 draws with these groups to get one favorable shot.

As a lotto player, you want the best value for your money. Therefore, your best choice is the group with more favorable shots.

A Better Combinatorial Method

The lottery’s number field is not just about odd and even numbers. We also have to consider low and high numbers.

For example, 1–2–3–4–5–6 belongs to the 3-odd-3-even group, but we know betting on straight consecutive numbers is not the most sensible choice you can make for yourself.

For one thing, such a combination is composed of purely low numbers. In a truly random game, a lottery draw rarely picks numbers from one side. A truly random game tends to pick numbers distributively across the number field.

To ensure you deal with the right balance, we use Lotterycodex combinatorial design, regrouping numbers into four sets.

For a 6/40 game, we use the following sets:

Source: Lotterycodex Calculator

The sets of numbers above will produce 84 unique combinatorial compositions called Lotterycodex patterns. For example, a pattern can be one number from the yellow group, four numbers from the cyan group, and one number from the green group. This pattern is labeled as pattern #50 with a probability of 0.0054710581. This probability value means this group is expected to occur approximately twice in 200 draws.

So, pattern #50 is not the most favorable pattern for you. The fact is out of 84 patterns, only six patterns are considered the best for players. These are patterns #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6.

These patterns are bound to dominate any 6/40 lotto games. And will continue to dominate as the number of draws gets larger and larger to fulfill the law of large numbers.

We don’t need a psychic guy to know what combinatorial group will dominate the lottery.

The calculations can be very complex. If you hate math, then you can use a Lotterycodex calculator.

Based on this advanced Lotterycodex combinatorial analysis, you can separate the best group from the worst ones.

Source: Lotterycodex Calculator

Not only can you separate the best from the worst, but also you can predict how these patterns will perform beforehand.

For example, the table below shows some calculations on the future behavior of any 6/40 lotto game.

Source: Lotterycodex Calculator

Psychic Predictions For Winning Lotteries

Are psychic predictions any good for winning in lotteries? Psychic predictions might not tell you the future winning numbers. Yet, they could inspire and motivate you to keep playing.

They could help keep the faith alive as you go through many possible failed attempts. If you sense you will win, take action and do your best. Play the lotteries using the best compositional patterns.



Edvin Hiltner

Edvin Hiltner runs to prove that a sensible lotto strategy is practically feasible through the use of mathematics.