Lotto Strategy — The Half Lie, The Whole Truth, and What Works

Edvin Hiltner
30 min readMar 5, 2019


Winning the lottery takes a whole lot of extraordinary persistence. So for a lottery player, it’s better to play with a lotto strategy than no strategy.

And from what appears to be sensible to undoubtedly whimsical, all kinds of hopeless approaches abound.

In 2004, Cynthia Stafford started using the law of attraction to win the lottery. It’s not an ordinary story. She meditated on the exact amount of the $112 million jackpot prize (as she claimed) and visualized the feeling of winning it. Three years later, she won the lottery and took home the amount she dreamed of winning.

Various lotto gurus and book authors quickly took a ride on Stafford’s story and got people to start embracing the law of attraction.

Because if it works for Stafford, it should work for everyone else. Right?


It’s simple. Coincidences, improbability, rare events, and miracles do happen every day, and math has an explanation for that.

Of course, we will talk about the math side a little later.

But first of all, let me clarify that I am not against using a visualization technique to achieve whatever we want in life because, for one thing, it positively impacts us. And it’s free.

However, many stories we hear daily teach us that people succeed through hard work, schooling, perseverance, proper planning, and applying time-tested strategies. So more than visualization alone makes a breakthrough.

People must remember to check the difference between reality and fantasy or check the distinction between possibilities and impossibilities. For always, taking action takes you where you want to go.

As for the lottery, mathematics remains the only strategy that works when a magical button is unavailable. (see The Lottery and the Winning Formula According to Math)

Now, with all the stories of people winning through the quick pick, psychic prediction, tarot card, horoscope, hot and cold numbers, and even a ghost, I think it’s high time we debunk the myth and expose why these things happen right now.

The law of attraction is the latest one added to a long list of superstitions.

And mind you, and there’s a lot more to come. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Let’s discuss all these lotto strategies one by one.

By the way, you shouldn’t miss the last item (item #30). In that section, I will discuss the mathematical method that will catapult you to lottery success.

Let’s begin with the first one first.

1. Using the Law of Attraction (a.k.a. LOA) as a Lotto Strategy

Can you use the LOA to win the lottery?

Well, LOA may be good for you in other aspects, but when it comes to the lottery, LOA doesn’t work.

A website promoting LOA had an article that attests to the ineffectiveness of LOA as a lottery strategy.

If you think about it, a rare event like that of Cynthia Stafford’s case would be unlikely.

You should not be surprised at all. Unusual events, coincidences, extraordinary events, and miracles could also occur.

David J. Hand, an emeritus professor of mathematics and senior research investigator at Imperial College London, explains that even events with minuscule probability can certainly occur. He described this unusual event as the Improbability Principle.

Professor Hand writes:

A set of mathematical laws that I call the Improbability Principle tells us that we should not be surprised by coincidences. In fact, we should expect coincidences to happen. One of the key strands of the principle is the law of truly large numbers. This law says that given enough opportunities, we should expect a specified event to happen, no matter how unlikely it may be at each opportunity.

First, lottery draws repeatedly occur worldwide, quickly adding many opportunities for unusual things or even miracles. It will be surprising if we don’t see unusual events occur.

Countless supporters of LOA dream of winning the lottery, and it’s not surprising if one emerges as a new jackpot winner one day.

The more LOA supporters do it, the better the odds that one of them will become a millionaire through the lottery. Then if people hear news about a supporter who won the lottery, many think that LOA works. Availability bias and confirmation bias are at work in the world of lottery.

People only count the stories readily available in the recent news and ignore the tales of many LOA supporters who lose.

Professor Hand cited some examples of unusual events that occurred in the lottery:

On September 6, 2009, the Bulgarian lottery randomly selected the winning numbers 4–15–23–24–35–42. Then four days later, the Bulgarian lottery randomly selected the same numbers as the previous draw, which caused a media storm at the time.

On October 16, 2010, the combination 13–14–26–32–33–36 was drawn, the same numbers that were drawn a few weeks earlier on September 21. This event caused people to think that the lottery was fixed.

The North Carolina Cash 5 lottery produced the same winning numbers on July 9 and 11, 2007.

In 1980, Maureen Wilcox bought tickets for the Massachusetts State Lottery and the Rhode Island Lottery. Unfortunately, her ticket for the Massachusetts Lottery matched the winning combination for the Rhode Island Lottery. And another ticket for the Rhode Island Lottery matched the winning combination for the Massachusetts Lottery.

You would think something could be fishy, but what occurred was mathematically probable.

Stafford’s story (if true, as she claimed) was another example of the Improbability Principle.

Of course, if you want to visualize your way to winning the Mega Millions as Cynthia Stafford did, why not. In that case, you would need a truly large number of opportunities for your wish to occur.

So, good luck.

2. Picking Numbers Using Hints From Astrology

If you’re a fan of astrology, that’s fine; just for fun. I know it’s exciting to match the predictions of what happened for each sign’s behavior to the behavior of someone you know or maybe that of yourself.

In the lottery, however, a random draw doesn’t care what the constellation says.

Can we see the possible numbers in the next draw from stars (more than a billion light-years away)?

Think about it.

Maybe you can match your luck when astrology tells you that you’re going to win something today, then yes, you can buy a ticket and play the lottery. It’s part of the excitement. That’s part of the whole entertainment process.

Although that astrologer might have given you hope and luck, you don’t get anything more than sheer excitement.

3. Lotto Strategy Based on Hot and Cold Numbers

All numbers in the lottery have the same probability, so hot and cold numbers don’t exist. (See related article: The Difference Between a Number and a Combination)

The law of large numbers says that all numbers in the lottery’s number field tend to even out with many draws and will tend to even out more closely as more draws occur.

The actual results of the Canada Lotto 6/49 From 1982 to 2018 show that each number got a fair chance of getting drawn in its 3,688 total draws. Source: Lotterycodex

The lottery isn’t about the numbers themselves but about the lucky combination that these numbers will make.

The prize won’t budge just because you matched one or two numbers. It will only go to you once you finally match that lucky combination, which you can do with the help of luck.

And aside from luck, you can add a pinch of persistence and a bit of mathematical strategy.

4. Believing That Lucky Numbers Will Make You a Winner

Some experts believe that numerology helps predict a few numbers of lucky significance in your life. These combinations keep occurring in your life over and over again. These numbers have the magnetic power to draw the results in your favor.

Think about lucky seven or lucky 9; think of their position out of the 49 or maybe 55 numbers from the lottery system; they only have the 7th and 9th positions.

So what makes them different from the other numbers? Does having the 7th position makes a good lotto strategy?

Hmm, not when randomness is involved.

Each number has an equal chance of getting drawn, regardless of the frequency.

5. Avoiding Unlucky Numbers will Increase Your Chance of Winning

If you think about it, each civilization, whether Western or Eastern, had its share of beliefs in these unlucky numbers.

Which civilization does the lottery most lean to?

Does each lottery draw follow the western or eastern?

The thing is, these numbers don’t.

In the lottery, there’s no discrimination against numbers. However, some people avoid these numbers completely, which also avoids their chance of winning if these unlucky numbers are drawn.

From the probability theory standpoint, all numbers have the same chance of getting drawn. And the law of large numbers states that all these numbers tend to converge in the same expected value. So having unlucky numbers in your combination doesn’t matter.

6. Using Prime Numbers to Get a Better Shot

It amazes me that people who observe something from past lottery results conclude immediately without conducting an in-depth analysis.

If we list all the prime numbers less than 100, we’ll have 25 numbers up to 97. For instance, if you play the 6/42 format, your pool of prime numbers is reduced to 13, and you’ll need 6 to make up a number combination.

If we look at the point of view of probability, those 42 numbers have the same chance of appearing in a draw. It is more likely that a balanced combination of odd and even numbers will occur rather than all-odd or all-even.

The problem with prime numbers is that most are odd numbers; the number 2 is the only even number among prime numbers.

Put, your combination will be odd numbers. And the probability won’t be likely in your favor.

Let’s look at the odd-even patterns in some of the most popular lotto systems in the world.

Source: Lotterycodex

A combination composed of 4 or 5 odd numbers occurs less frequently in a 5/70 game like the U.S. Mega Millions.

And probability principle applies to all lotto systems regardless of the format.

Let’s take a look at other popular lotto formats below.

Source: Lotterycodex

And if you need more than two lottery systems to convince you, here are more below.

Source: Lotterycodex
Source: Lotterycodex
Source: Lotterycodex
Source: Lotterycodex
Source: Lotterycodex

If those tables above didn’t convince you, I don’t know what will.

7. Getting a Clue From the Past Lotto Results

Do you ever look at the past lotto results to determine which numbers are likely to appear again?

Or do you look at the past lotto results a year ago, convinced you might get some clue?

I’ve got some good news and bad news for you.

In mathematics, two kinds of random events are dependent and independent. The bad news is that every draw is considered independent in the lottery. It only means that the previous 100 draws will not affect the next draw.

You can easily determine the best combinations in the lottery and have the math to back you up without laboring about how the lottery has performed in the past.

And that’s where the good news comes in.

The rules of combinatorics and probability govern the lottery. Therefore, you must learn how the lottery works based on its finite structures to create an effective lotto strategy. (see this Lottery Math Research for related readings)

Studying the past won’t give you any clue, for that matter. Combinatorics and probability theory will.

8. Using Numerology as a Method for Picking Numbers

If I assign divine numbers to the letters in the word lottery or the word numerology, we could come up with 33 or 25, depending on what numerology system we use, Latin or Aramaic or Greek, or a system from another dead language. Then we could add 3 + 3 and come up with six, and 2+5 would equal 7, and now we have four numbers. Two more, maybe your name into numbers and come up with 48, then sum each digit to get 12. Now we have six numbers for a lottery ticket in the 6/49 motif, and I have become a numerology guru in just 2 minutes.

That’s a heck of a lottery strategy with a pinch of fun.

The problem with numerology is the need for probability measurement. Without probability measurement, you do not know how your combinations will likely occur in a random game.

The big difference between numerology and mathematics is the logic behind the calculation.

In mathematics, all calculations can be proven. You must do a different level of certainty in numerology.

With the mathematical approach, you calculate what combinations will likely perform best in the lottery.

9. Avoiding the Last Winning Numbers to Increase Your Chance

The lottery is a random game. There’s no guarantee that when a number appears just recently, it will not be drawn again.

There’s no telling whether a number will max out. Actual lottery draw results show that the same number occurs several times.

Again, people habitually look at individual numbers as the basis for most of their lotto strategies.

The fact remains that winning the lottery requires matching 5 or 6 combinations. So instead of focusing on the individual numbers, your lotto strategy must focus on combination patterns.

But there is more to lotto combinations than meets the eye.

Through the study of combinatorics and probability theory, you will discover that certain combinations dominate the lottery. If you pick your numbers based on this probability principle, you never have to look at past winning numbers to improve your lotto strategies.

10. Using Pretty Patterns as a Lotto Strategy

What’s the probability that picking numbers on the lotto slip so that all numbers are aligned horizontally or diagonally will give you the best shot possible?

It’s very low because the lottery doesn’t appreciate aesthetic patterns.

It’s tough for random events to match a regular pattern because the lottery, a random game, naturally produces irregular results.

Since we’re talking about number combinations, there’s no harm done in looking for patterns.

However, your pattern should have a proper logical basis, not just because it looks aesthetically pleasing.

Of course, the proper basis should be mathematical.

In a random game like the lottery, combinatorics and probability theory are the right branches of mathematics that deal with these number patterns. These two branches of mathematics are the foundation of a true lotto strategy.

11. Using Special Dates in Your Combination

There’s nothing wrong with using dates that are memorable to you to make a combination. But using special dates can break or make your chances of winning depending on how you handle it.

Special dates limit your choices to the point of actually hurting your chances of winning.

Mathematically speaking, choosing a special date for a lotto combination is okay. (See this article: Using Birth Dates For Lotto Combination? Here’s What Math Says)

But if you need to up the ante, you should think outside the box.

Some players focus on numbers 1 to 31 (days of the month) and 1 to 12 (months of the year). Players must remember that numbers from 32 and above are also getting drawn.

Probability analysis (math again!) shows that winning combinations consists of numbers that are equally distributed throughout the number field.

This fair distribution means that balls are drawn from high and low.

One thing you can do is mix up your special dates with other numbers to create a combination that is more probable to occur.

Lottery wheels allow you to choose several numbers (in which you can select your special dates plus other numbers above 30), and the software will create a number combination for you.

12. Picking Random Numbers

Just because the lottery is a random game doesn’t mean your lotto strategy must be random too.

According to probability theory, each number has an equal chance of getting drawn. So you can choose any numbers without bias.

You can even pick those unlucky numbers, which won’t reduce your chances of winning.

However, numbers and combinations are two different terms. When you combine numbers, the probability of each combination changes.

So, if all the numbers do have equal probability, combinations don’t.

When you pick numbers randomly from your head, there’s no guarantee that you're picking one from the high-probability group.

There’s a chance that you might pick those combinations with inferior probability.

The key to good number selection skills starts with consciously knowing the probability of each combination.

13. Changing Numbers Each Time You Play

Are you changing numbers as part of your lotto strategy?

Or do you keep the same list of numbers?

A common argument states that it doesn’t matter whether you change or keep the same list. Accordingly, neither of these makes any difference to your chances of winning.

So when you think of it, the same argument says there’s no need to change your numbers each time you play.

If you know you have a good list of numbers, then why bother changing your list each time you play?

Some lottery systems allow you to fill up a form and use the same form over and over. If you are playing multiple lines, this will save you time.

As a lottery player, you must make a good list of lotto combinations that you can use repeatedly. Then, the lottery may pick one from your list in one of its draws. It’s just a matter of time (when luck strikes you).

14. Lottery Strategy Using Psychic Prediction

If psychic prediction works, the current jackpot won’t be as high as it is now. And no one would fall into a lottery scam anymore.

As I have pointed out for the rest of this article, the lottery is random. These numbers are not under any supernatural, paranormal, or extrasensory perception or powers.

Your lotto strategy must be based on reality and not fantasy. Always remember that lottery balls are governed by the rules of combinatorics and the principle of probability.

15. Picking Numbers Based on Recent Dreams

Dreams are personal.

It says a lot about your deepest desires and longing.

It is unconscious, and most of your dreams are about the wish you want to fulfill.

It could be about your desire to win the lottery or the numbers you want to be drawn.

If you see other things in your dreams, like snakes or objects, or if you are in a situation in your dreams, then psychology has an answer for you.

You don’t have to use your dreams as a lotto strategy because your dreams are based on your unconscious mind. It doesn’t have any effect on tomorrow’s lottery draw. Remember that millions of lotto players sleep and see visions too.

That yellow snake you dreamed of last night does not influence the lottery's randomness.

Always keep in mind the concept of confirmation bias.

Although there are stories about people winning by having a vivid lottery dream, we must not ignore the thousands (probably millions) of people having lottery dreams that are not coming true.

Again, just because a story broke out about a person winning the lottery due to a dream interpretation doesn’t mean it happens to everyone else.

16. Lotto Strategy with a Lottery Spell

First, a lottery spell as a lotto strategy can come in two flavors: a free and a paid one.

The free one, of course, is simply a matter of asking your gods. You may offer a sacrifice and a promise so your gods may grant your special wish.

Here’s the big question: why would the gods choose you over millions of other people worldwide who also pray for the same thing?

The paid one is tricky. The spell caster would get you to believe you’re losing the lottery because your body is cursed by enemies or witchcraft. So no matter how hard you work or how much money you spend on the lottery, you will never win.

On the contrary, though, in 2014, Timothy Poole, a sex offender, won the lottery even though his victim and relatives cursed him.

By the way, the selling point is that the spell will destroy the curse and clean up all the negative energies that dwell in your body to allow the free flow of money and prosperity inside you.

Next, the spellcaster would get you to believe that you are disconnected from the money energies of the universe. Allegedly, all people are born connected to all these energies. As you grow up, you separate yourself when you utter statements such as “money is not important,” “love is more important than money,” and so on.

So they got you with another selling point that they will connect you to these money energies. Once you are cleaned up and connected, they will cast the spell upon you, and your chances of winning the lottery will increase dramatically.

Again, let me pose a similar question: what makes the lottery spell on you more effective than the spells cast on the other one hundred clients?

17. Number Selection Based on a Tarot Card Reading

In 2007, Judy Mayer from Winnipeg won $6.8 million in a 6/49 lottery draw using the numbers her tarot reader gave, only known by her first name Katerina.

A Western Canada Lottery Corp spokesman, appeared surprised when he said, “We’ve heard of many, many ways that people select their winning numbers … but I’m not sure if we’ve ever heard of tarot cards being used.”

Eventually, since the news broke about Katerina’s role in Mayer’s lotto windfall, her phone hadn’t stopped ringing.

I understand how people are desperate to win the lottery, for it’s tough to win, and people will do everything to win, even hiring someone who allegedly has a psychic ability to read a tarot card.

Can a tarot card be a good lotto strategy? Can it help someone predict the likely combinations that may occur in the future?

No. In the far future, another one will win from a tarot card reading, and it’s not surprising at all. The Improbability Principle is at work time after time, year in and year out.

Moreover, the more tarot predictions are made, the better the odds that one of them will occur. So now, if one of them comes true, people tend to believe and forget the many predictions that didn’t happen. Again, the principle of confirmation bias is at work.

By the way, Judy Mayer only uses 5 of 6 numbers she obtained from the psychic. Mayer decided to change the last number given to her by Katerina from 45 to 46, making the whole process a joint effort instead of by the psychic alone.

18. Predicting Lotto Numbers with a Magic Crystal Ball

Crystal balls have been around for thousands of years, making history way more than the lottery's history.

Over the years, they have become the mascot of the pop culture of fortune-telling.

Like every other fortune-telling practice, magic crystals often have varying interpretations. Some have seen angels and experienced divine interventions, while some saw them as demonic and sinful.

In one review article published in Physics Today, entitled Behind the Crystal Ball: Magic, Science, and the Occult from Antiquity through the New Age, where the author stresses that “magical thought is usually cultivated by stress, and all it offers is hope.”

But today, if you’re playing the lottery, I don’t want you to thrive on hope. You can’t just put all your money into hoping the magical crystal ball will give you the number combination and hope that it will appear in today’s draw.

It won’t. Not today. Not tomorrow. Maybe someday.

But how many losses from buying losing tickets will you incur by waiting for that false hope that you will win on that someday?

As I said, math remains the best lotto strategy you can rely on.

19. Increasing the Winning Chances Using Money Talisman

These are all extra seasonings for our faith and belief.

We believe in our good luck that we will have our money, buy a car, own a house, win the lottery, etc. — and those money amulets somehow get us to validate that belief.

Whether or not you believe in having a money amulet, it doesn’t matter.

Having a money amulet as a lotto strategy is harmless to your chance of winning, but it won’t increase your chances either.

What you need is something other than an amulet. You need to know how combinatorics and probability theory works in the lottery.

20. Palm Reading to Know Your Fate in the Lottery

Remember in grade school, when girls would palm read each other and tell each other about the first letter of the guy they eventually marry because they saw it written in their palms?

If that worked out well, they probably married a lot of Mr. M because the three primary lines in our hands look like the letter ‘M.’
Even if they didn’t, it was fun, right?

But can you win the lottery out of palm reading?

Each time you buy a lottery ticket, it’s an opportunity to win. If you do win, it’s not because of palm reading.

The lottery is a game of random possibilities; it’s very hard to win.

To win the lottery, you need to have a lotto strategy, and I don’t think you should gamble all your luck through palm reading.

There are a lot of factors at play regarding your future. I mean, palm readers could say that you will get married, but it’s still your choice whether to get married or not.

Your palm could predict you have the money line to win the lottery, but there’s no telling when and in which format you’ll win. Will you play the lottery every draw because the palm reader said you would win?

That sounds like a lot of money to be wasted.

Our palm lines have a specific purpose. Why do humans even have palm creases? It has been said that we evolved palm lines to make it easier to grab onto things.

21. Feng Shui for Lottery

Did China become one of the wealthiest countries in the world because they probably used feng shui to win the lottery?


Many Chinese may use this lotto strategy, but most are wealthy because they are naturally business-minded and hard-working.

Do you think you, who isn’t a feng shui expert, can win the lottery through feng shui?

Think twice.

Last 2018, one Chinese man even got suicidal after mistakenly thinking he had won the lottery. If this guy, who is so close to the feng shui belief, still fell victim to the lottery, do you think that feng shui works that way?

There was a case when a Chinese man spent ten years trying to crack the lottery code, which means that even Chinese people don’t exactly rely on feng shui to win the lottery.

Winning the lottery using feng shui has the same chance as winning the lottery using nothing.

In 2010, a Sydney man allegedly won a jackpot through his belief in Feng Shui, and Australian feng shui expert Elizabeth Wiggins got something to say.

Someone may win the lottery and coincidentally connect the experience with Feng Shui, but it’s not the belief that made the winning possible.

Again think about the improbability principle and the confirmation bias. Think about the hundreds of thousands of Feng Shui practitioners who attempted to win but did not.

22. Playing the Lottery with a Quick Pick

Here’s a lotto strategy that fits those who are lazy to strategize.

There’s a chance that you get a combination that has the highest probability. And you also get a combination that has the least likelihood.

Instead of competing with the randomness of the lottery draw, you’ll also have to battle with the randomness of the quick pick.

Why not directly pick a combination with the highest probability of being drawn? This lotto strategy is only possible when you know how combinatorics and probability theory works in the lottery.

Another area for improvement of the quick pick is that it is computer generated.

The combinations that quick pick generates may not be unique, and the same batch of numbers can be assigned to other players.

For example, you have your iPod shuffle. After a series of songs, there will always be songs that will be played multiple times.

Imagine if they were tickets sold in millions of copies, many tickets would end up having the same combination as yours.

There is a 50/50 chance that you will get a repeat ticket starting at 20,000 tickets.

The quick pick may be the most logical choice out of all the bad decisions you’ve been making, but you could still do better than that. Use math to improve your chances of winning.

23. Using Your Own DIY Quick Pick

There’s this thing we call the “fishbowl method,” it’s part of random sampling that’s usually used in statistics — the same thing you’ll be doing in a DIY quick pick.

First, why create another quick pick machine of your own when a quick pick machine is already available in every lotto station?

The problem here is that even if you replicate the same behavior of randomness. There’s a tiny chance that a combination drawn in your fishbowl will repeat in the next lottery draw.

24. Picking Car Plate Numbers at Random

Okay, let’s say you’re just chilling at the Starbucks near a gasoline station and observing cars and their plate numbers. You’ve observed, let’s say, RAL 760, CNZ 890, LAM 543, and PRZ 234. They make no sense unless you put them in a combination.

It’s the same as putting numbers from 1–49 in a pick-six combination — only this time, your pool of numbers has been narrowed down.

Narrowing of numbers can both be a good thing and a bad thing. It depends on how you put them together.

The good thing about plate numbers is that these numbers that appear have a variation. Sadly even that variation won’t help if you don’t know the rules in probability theory.

Although, spoiler alert: your plate number isn’t as special as other plate numbers regarding lottery draws. They have an equal probability of being chosen and not being chosen. Each number is a label to distinguish it from the other choices.

25. Letting Your Pet Choose Numbers For You

I have a Docker puppy. He’s smart. He’s clairvoyant, but only when he’s hungry. He correctly predicts where dog food is hidden. So unless your pet could smell the lucky balls that will be drawn on that day and if you could ‘treat’ him into telling you the right combination, then yes, this lotto strategy is foolproof.

Otherwise, it’s just happenstance. Just like this story of a chicken walking all over a calculator. Spoiler alert: the chicken died.

Coincidences are fascinating. In a not-so-happy setting, it can become eerie, but happy or not, all they are, are just coincidences. It’s not something you’d want to bet your money on.

Again, based on the Improbability Principle, someone may win through this method, and it’s not surprising at all.

Just because someone is winning when a pet accidentally steps on a number doesn’t mean the strategy works. But there is a lotto strategy that works all the time, and people hate it most of the time. It’s a not-so-cute pet named Math.

26. Getting A Hint From a Ghost or Invisible Creature

When you’re so stoked about winning the lottery, you could tell tales that even a dead man would rise to hear. There was even a case where a ghost allegedly guided a lottery winner.

All this is fascinating and amazing to some extent — it fuels your belief, gives you hope, and calms your grief and longing.

But it’s not like everyone can regularly converse with a ghost for guidance, nor can everyone have encounters with a ghost.

These are really unusual and entirely coincidental, even miraculous events that happened, and I’d like to emphasize that this lotto strategy does not apply to all.

There’s an effective strategy that I’d like to share. See number 30 below.

27. Rigging the Lottery System to Ensure Winning

Rigging the lottery system is like firing a gun, unaware of its recoil. It will eventually backfire on you.

Rigging the lottery is illegal, and money acquired against the law is not as splendid as the money you got legally.

Just look at the case of Eddie Tipton, an ex-programmer who committed lottery fraud and rigged the jackpots. He pleaded guilty eventually, but instead of being in a tub full of money, he awaits sentencing to a prison cell.

Rigging the lottery is never a good lotto strategy. So if you have access to a position that gives you the power to control the outcome of the lottery, don’t ever think about it. You will eventually be caught.

Dirty money is never the answer. You have to accept that money doesn’t come easy, and even if it does, it will eventually have consequences. You may acquire wealth but eventually lose your peace, freedom, and maybe most of your assets.

Instead of rigging the lottery, you could use math hacks to win the lottery but in a legal way.

28. Asking for Divine Signs

The God of truth always encourages us to pray to Him. It’s not bad to ask God what we want and for signs to achieve it. If it’s done according to His purpose, He will surely give you signs and provide for what you need.

The question is, do you know what God’s purpose is? And does that include you winning the lottery?

Have you thought about your purpose in winning the lottery?

Just think about it. Millions of Christians must have won the lottery already and probably sharing jackpots.

Ever watched Bruce Almighty?

It’s the same thing that happened when Bruce (Jim Carrey) switched places with God, and then he answered yes to all prayers, so thousands of people won the lottery and got only 17 bucks.

It’s funny. But it gives a deeper meaning: God has reasons for not answering your prayers because he has other plans in store for you.

God can indeed make miracles. Whether or not his blessings are for you is none of your business.

29. Making an Unholy Pact to Win the Lottery

When your prayers are not being answered, the last thing you want to do in the lottery is to enter a deal with the devil.

A deal with the devil has consequences, similar to the effects of acquiring dirty money — but it comes with the worst consequences.

It sounds scary, but few people did, and it didn’t work.

What makes you think that the Mastermind of all Evil will honor a contract in the first place?

It doesn’t work, and it’s scary. Don’t you get goosebumps? I do.

As good as it seems, the lottery is not worth risking your lives for. It’s just a charity game.

If you can’t win, work on your lotto strategy. If you still can’t win, then work hard on yourself. You deserve so much more.

30. Using Math — the Best of All Lotto Strategies

It’s hard to win the lottery because it’s truly random. No amount of visualization or superstition will beat that.

But just because the lottery is random doesn’t mean a strategy doesn’t exist. Mathematics provides the best hack to lottery success. (See Related Article: How to Win the Lottery (and Win Sooner According to Math)

Mathematically, each combination possesses the same winning probability. And almost every expert agrees that this “equal chance” makes the lottery a fair game of chance.

Or does it?

Well, the sheer size of a crowd doesn’t necessarily make something right. Sometimes it’s also important that you swim against the tide.

This “equally likely” conjecture would make it difficult for laymen to understand why they should avoid five consecutive numbers, such as the notorious 1,2,3,4 and 5.

For example, the basic combinatorics for a Powerball 5/69 lotto game gives out 11,238,513 playable lines to play.

Therefore, the probability of a combination of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 should be:

Based on the above probability calculation, every combination in the universe of 11,238,513 combinations will carry the same probability value of 0.0000000889797431386163.

Practically speaking, this probability calculation does not describe the true nature of how the lottery works (as a whole).

Lotto players need a different perspective by which we can define the difference between a lousy combination and the best type of combination.

A different perspective means seeing how the lottery works beyond its basic combinatorial structure.

For example, we can divide the number field into low and high numbers sets.

Low numbers (LN)= {1,2,3,4,…,35}

High numbers (HN)= {36,37,38,39,…,69}

The set of numbers above will produce the following combinatorial patterns with their corresponding possible combinations and probability:

Source: Lotterycodex

There, we see that a combination composed of purely low numbers will have less probability of getting drawn than a combination with a balanced mixture of low and high numbers.

Now don’t get me wrong. I know that all combinations are equally likely. But we should not bet on 1–2–3–4–5 because there is a big difference between odds and probability. (see Odds, Probability, and the Lottery)

The probability measurement provides information as to how certain patterns will occur for many draws in the future. For example, we can measure how a combination of type 5 LN (5 low numbers) will fare compared to a combination of type 3 LN + 2 HN (3 low numbers and two high numbers) for the next 500 draws. We multiply the probability value by the number of draws to get the expected frequency in 500 draws.

Estimated Frequency = Probability x 500 draws

The results of probability calculation will describe the future outcome of the lottery. That’s because the lottery as a whole must follow the dictate of the law of large numbers.

In other words, the combination of 3-LN-2-HN type will continue to dominate the lottery as draws continue to occur.

Let’s look at how the two patterns will perform according to their probability as the draw continues.

Estimated frequency in 1000 draws

Estimated frequency in 1500 draws

A sensible lottery strategy is practically feasible because of combinatorics and probability principles.

I use these two branches of mathematics to analyze how the lottery works. Combinatorial groups don’t have equal probability, and you can certainly predict the outcome of the lottery to an extent. (see The Lottery and the Winning Formula According to Math)

In this game of random numbers, the best way to pick your numbers is by following the rules that govern these numbers. If you want to win the lottery, it’s high time you take combinatorics and probability principles as your lotto strategy seriously.

Winning the lottery is not a matter of divination, a pet’s intuition, or other coincidental stories that shocked people and left them wondering.

Instead, it’s about understanding the mechanics of a mathematical strategy and making a game plan — that is, gathering information about the numbers, the possible combinations, and their relationships.

As I have mentioned earlier, math can even predict the lottery to an extent. And the law of large numbers always proves the validity of such prediction if we compare the calculation with the actual lottery results.

My lottery study proves that the probability estimation agrees with the actual results.

Source: Lotterycodex

As I said, the probability principle applies to every lotto system.

The image below is one from UK Lotto 6/49:

Source: Lotterycodex

And here’s another one from the Irish Lottery 6/47:

Source: Lotterycodex

I can go on and show you pieces of evidence and then make this article virtually endless. Of course, we don’t have to. A few examples might suffice to say that math can indeed predict the lottery to an extent.

But one thing is clear. Combinations in the lottery don’t exhibit equal probability.

Some combination patterns will dominate the lottery. These dominating patterns will continue to dominate as the lottery follows the dictate of the law of large numbers.

Mathematics doesn’t lie.

Deep within the lottery’s finite structure lies layers of advanced patterns that will give you the best clue on how to win the lottery.

For example, in the U.S. Powerball 5/69 game, my combinatorial design shows 56 patterns that players can use as templates for choosing numbers.

Source: Lotterycodex

But not all these 56 patterns possess the same probability. Just 4 of these 56 patterns are highly recommended for all Powerball players.

Let me show you the difference between a high-frequency pattern and a low-frequency pattern below:

Source: Lotterycodex

As a lotto player, the last thing you want to do in the lottery is to waste your money on a combination that will only occur once every 2000 draws (as shown in the table above).

Spending your money on a bad combination is an expensive exercise. You must know which type of combination will give you the best shot possible at winning the lottery.

A lottery strategy is practically feasible because of certain mathematical principles dictating how it fulfills its results.



Edvin Hiltner

Edvin Hiltner runs to prove that a sensible lotto strategy is practically feasible through the use of mathematics.