Ed Walden
1 min readJun 8, 2017


Really, no difference on people of a mixed race. So now you are scientifically calling people that are homosexual a different species or a different race. There is no scientific evidence of any such thing and this law was passed by the USSC based on feelings with no evidence that a difference actually exists that would have required equal protection under the laws of this country. As I have said before this negates the laws of incest, the laws of bigamy etc because now you are saying the purpose of marriage is to obtain rights. Regardless, if a law does not exist in your state you cannot break it nor can another state that does have a law conerning what you do in thier state apply that law to you. In other words if I drink and drive in one state that does not have a law against it, another state cannot arrest me or fine me for what I did in my state. That is the same thing this market did. They effectively fined this couple for not violating a law in another city. Even though they have no authority to do so and they used religion as the excuse. BTW, this couple did not prevent any homosexuals from coming to their farm and doing business, they only prevented them from getting married on their property which they had to do because that is their religion. They cannot recognize homosexual marriage and there is nothing bigoted about that, its thier law.

