Memory Back: Day 09 — Your beliefs

Edward Distor
3 min readJan 10, 2018



Laura looked at me some some worry in her eyes after she put on her headphones.

“What’s wrong, Laura?” I asked.

Laura seemed to fiddle in her mind before she spoke it, “Well, today’s topic tends to be one of those hot-button issues.”

“Oh?” I raised an eyebrow.

Laura took a deep breath. “It’s about your beliefs.”

“Oh. Well, I promise not to preach to you with fire and brimstone,” I replied with a smile.

Laura dropped her shoulders in relief as she smiled back. “Thanks. I’ve overhead other customers who’ve given their memories about their beliefs. It’s scary how some are very strong in them. Some will even try to convince you that their beliefs are better than your own.”

“Oh yes, I know those people. You have nothing to fear from me, Laura.”

Laura breathed a sigh of relief as she started the recording. “Today I would like to know and understand your beliefs. What do you believe in you life and what things have you believed and still do.”

“Well, I guess we’ll start with the things I used to believe in: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the tooth fairy, the boogie monsters under my bed and in my closet. Yeah, the ‘normal’ stuff I used to believe in as a kid. Nowadays, I believe in putting in a good day’s work, thinking before speaking, and never allowing yourself to be held back by the past, especially the bad ones.”

Laura blinked for a moment. “Okay. Well, do you believe something or someone higher than you?”

“You mean God?” I asked, to which Laura nodded. “Well, after all these years of being in a Catholic school, both elementary and high school, I’m surprised I still believe in Him. I don’t know. I was initially taught to fear God if I didn’t follow the Ten Commandments, prayer those prayers, do the kneel or stand thing during The Our Father bit. Later, I learned to admire God, as a prodigal father who ran to meet his wayward son. Now, I just believe God is up to something, no matter what I do and don’t do.”

Laura smiled a bit. “Are there things you don’t believe in, Justin?”

“Well, I don’t believe you can speak in tongues if there’s no one else to interpret. I don’t believe in politics that curry popular votes, not quality votes. I don’t believe in hurting people with harmful words. I don’t believe in feeling numb to protect a heart in need of love. I don’t believe in confronting people about their faults while ignoring their triumphs.”

Laura felt impressed. “I see. Most people state their disbeliefs with strong intentions.”

I leaned forward, “I’m not like most people, Laura. I’ve lived a long enough life to know that some things are not worth the effort if you have to sacrifice all of yourself in the end.”

Laura looked surprised yet she smiled, “Okay. So, any other things you believe in?”

“I believe there is good in most people, even behind a wall of remorse and hate. I believe in forgiveness, even when you’re not wrong. I believe in not fitting in so that you don’t look the same to everyone else. I believe in a life worth lived if you take the unbeaten path or allow yourself to take a risk.”

Laura nodded, “Interesting.”

“Yeah… some things to believe in…”



Edward Distor

A beginning writer who desires to share his imagination and experience with the world, by prose and verse.