Unraveling the Complexity: Microsoft AI-900 Practice Exam Guide

4 min readMay 16, 2024

Verified and Updated Microsoft AI-900 Exam Dumps Questions

Microsoft AI-900 exam dumps are one of the most sought-after certifications in the IT world. If you’ve struggled to obtain the AI-900 Exam Dumps certification, you shouldn’t worry since we already offer the actual Exam Dumps to guarantee the success of the test candidates. All Microsoft AI-900 exam dumps are designed by experts. So there is no need to worry about the results as our team of experts have tried their best to provide the relevant information which will increase the success chances of the applicants.

You build a machine learning model by using the automated machine learning user interface (UI). You need to ensure that the model meets the Microsoft transparency principle for responsible AI. What should you do?

A. Set Validation type to Auto.
B. Enable Explain best model.
C. Set Primary metric to accuracy.
D. Set Max concurrent iterations to 0.

Answer: B

Explanation: Model Explain Ability. Most businesses run on trust and being able to open the ML “black box” helps build transparency and trust. In heavily regulated industries like healthcare and banking, it is critical to comply with regulations and best practices. One key aspect of this is understanding the relationship between input variables (features) and model output. Knowing both the magnitude and direction of the impact each feature (feature importance) has on the predicted value helps better understand and explain the model. With model explain ability, we enable you to understand feature importance as part of automated ML runs. Reference: https://azure.microsoft.com/en — us/blog /new — automated — machine — learning — capabilities — in — azure — machine — learning — service/

More information AI-900 Exam Dumps: https://www.certcollections.com/ai-900-exam-questions

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