經營團隊人際關係:人性法則與管理 | Managing Interpersonal Relationships in Teams: The Laws of Human Nature and Management

Edward Chou
3 min readOct 3, 2023


In modern business management, an important yet often overlooked issue is generational transition, especially when young leaders begin to take over organizations. This transition involves not only a transfer of power but also changes in management styles and values. I’ll delves into this topic, focusing particularly on the challenges posed by second-generation succession and explaining why understanding the laws of human nature is crucial in management.

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

探討人性法則在企業發展中的重要性 | Exploring the Importance of the Laws of Human Nature in Business Development

The laws of human nature refer to the psychological and emotional tendencies we exhibit in our daily lives. In the corporate environment, understanding and applying these laws is vital for building robust interpersonal relationships and efficient management.

Here are a few cases that illustrate the application and significance of the laws of human nature in business:

回歸紀律與原則 | Returning to Discipline and Principles

  • 當新一代的領導者接管企業時,常常需要面對複雜的挑戰,包括管理風格的轉變和與長輩的關係。在這種情況下,回歸紀律和原則成為了解決衝突的重要工具。通過尊重過去的經驗和智慧,同時為未來的變革設立清晰的方向,新一代領導者可以在傳統和現代之間找到平衡。
    When new-generation leaders take the helm, they often face complex challenges, including shifts in management styles and relationships with their predecessors. In such cases, returning to discipline and principles becomes a crucial tool for conflict resolution. By respecting the wisdom of the past while setting clear directions for the future, new-generation leaders can strike a balance between tradition and modernity.

解決問題與難題 | Problem Solving and Challenges

  • 企業管理中經常面臨各種問題和難題。理解人性法則可以幫助領導者更好地應對這些挑戰。例如,透過建立開放的溝通渠道,鼓勵員工分享問題和建議,可以促進問題的快速解決。同時,關注團隊的情感需求,提供支持和認可,有助於減輕壓力,增強合作。
    Business management frequently encounters various issues and challenges. Understanding the laws of human nature can help leaders better address these challenges. For instance, creating open channels of communication, encouraging employees to share problems and suggestions, can facilitate swift issue resolution. Simultaneously, focusing on the emotional needs of the team, providing support and recognition, helps alleviate stress and enhances collaboration.

符合人性需求的包容法則 | Inclusive Principles that Align with Human Needs

  • 包容性領導和文化在現代企業中變得越來越重要。人性法則告訴我們,每個人都有獨特的需求和價值觀。通過創建一個包容的工作環境,尊重多元性,並確保每個人都有機會發揮潛力,企業可以吸引並保留優秀的人才。
    Inclusive leadership and culture are becoming increasingly important in modern businesses. The laws of human nature tell us that everyone has unique needs and values. By creating an inclusive work environment, respecting diversity, and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to unleash their potential, businesses can attract and retain top talent.

案例分享:人性法則的應用 | Case Studies: Applying the Laws of Human Nature

Here are some examples of businesses successfully applying the laws of human nature in management, providing practical demonstrations and valuable lessons:

Google的多元性和包容性 | Google’s Diversity and Inclusion

  • Google一直致力於建立一個多元性和包容性的工作環境。他們不僅鼓勵員工提出新想法,還通過支持各種背景和觀點的團隊,實現了創新和卓越。這種包容性文化吸引了全球頂尖的人才,並有助於Google在競爭激烈的科技領域保持領先地位。
    Google has consistently strived to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. They not only encourage employees to bring forward new ideas but also foster innovation and excellence by supporting teams from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. This inclusive culture attracts top talents worldwide, helping Google maintain a leading position in the competitive tech industry.

Marriott國際的員工培訓 | Marriott International’s Employee Training

  • Marriott國際通過為員工提供持續的培訓和發展機會,鼓勵他們不斷提升技能和知識。這種關注人性需求的方法不僅提高了員工的工作滿意度,還提高了客戶服務質量。結果,Marriott國際在全球酒店業中贏得了聲譽。
    Marriott International invests in continuous training and development opportunities for its employees, encouraging them to continuously enhance their skills and knowledge. This approach, which addresses human needs, not only boosts employee job satisfaction but also improves the quality of customer service. As a result, Marriott International has gained a reputation in the global hotel industry.

蘋果的創新文化 | Apple’s Culture of Innovation

  • 蘋果一直以其創新能力而聞名,這部分歸功於他們建立的文化,該文化鼓勵員工勇於嘗試新事物,並容忍失敗。蘋果理解人性法則,知道員工需要有空間去創造和探索。這種文化使他們能夠推出革命性的產品和服務。
    Apple has long been renowned for its innovation, thanks in part to the culture they’ve established. This culture encourages employees to experiment with new ideas and tolerates failure. Apple understands the laws of human nature, recognizing that employees need space to create and explore. This culture enables them to launch revolutionary products and services.

In corporate management, understanding and applying the laws of human nature can foster better communication, more effective decision-making, and stronger teamwork within organizations. These cases showcase how successful companies leverage these laws to achieve excellence, providing practical insights for implementation.



Edward Chou

Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.