Health benefits you can get with Emotional Support Animals

Edward Compton
3 min readNov 29, 2019


An emotional support animal is an animal partner that help a mentally ill person in dealing with the disability. They provide comfort, relaxation, and companionship through which a disable person loves to be around them. An individual can have an emotional support animal after receiving a legitimate ESA Letter from a professional mental health provider.

Why ESA’s are required?

The presence of these animals not only provide companionship to the disable person but they can also help them in the following ways:

People feel more relaxed, loved and less lonely while being around an emotional support animal.
It helps to reduce the anxiety and depression levels in stress-induced situations.
Most of the emotional support animal dogs are social-friendly therefore; they reduce the social shyness among the individuals and make them participate in more social activities.
Patients also feel safer, comfortable and motivated in the presence of these animals. Doctors also noticed a definite boost in the self-esteem of disabled persons.

Similarly, human emotions are also seeming to be more stabilized with an ESA.

Animals of emotional support are not a therapy in and of itself, they are used in combination with other cognitive-behavioral therapies to treat symptoms and help to make life easier to survive.
It also improves the physical health of the patients by lowering the blood pressure, decreasing the respiratory rates and strengthening the immune system.
Furthermore, it can also serve to give people a sense of purpose when caring for an emotional support animal.
Establishing a loving relationship with an ESA can be a step towards more genuine human relationships.

Things You Need to Know about an ESA

Emotional support animals are animal partners to individuals with mental and emotional disorders. These animal pets help the patients to get relaxed, comfortable and happy. An individual can have an ESA if he qualifies as a mentally disabled person by a licensed mental expert professional.

Types of ESAs

Different animals are serving as an ESA however, dogs and cats are the most preferable ones. The only requirement is that the animal can be treated in public and cause no disturbance in or around the home environment.

Advantages of ESAs

Emotional support animals provide major health benefits to disabled individuals by their unconditional love and presence. It can also help to treat depression and anxiety symptoms, blood pressure and breathing rates among them. Animals usually have a socialized nature by which they can develop a sense of social connectivity and personal security in disabled people.

Disabilities that can qualify for ESA

People with the following disabilities can get qualified for an ESA:

Depression and anxiety
Emotional stress
Bipolar disorders
Insomnia issues
Learning problems
Panic and suicidal attacks

How can I get an ESA Letter?

The process of getting an ESA is not as complicated as it seems to be. An individual has to get qualified as a mental and emotional disable personality by an experienced mental health provider. The first step is to check whether if you qualify for ESA or not. For that, an individual needs to fill out a questionnaire where your answers will be analyzed by the doctor after which you will receive an ESA letter.

It is sometimes inconvenient for many people to access a medical expert. Therefore, other options are also available like getting an ESA letter online. However, it is important to check the authenticity of the letter received online by an emotional support animal letter sample available on different websites. This process is done to avoid any online scams. Furthermore, it takes less than 48 hours to get an ESA letter prescribed by a mental expert.

To want or need an animal partner is your life is nothing to be ashamed of. It means that the person is more comfortable in the company of a valuable partner. Therefore, he should avail of certain housing and traveling laws to spend quality time with its beloved animal companion.

