Edward Hsu
1 min readMay 7, 2017


I am so fired up after reading this article that I made a pledge of writing a short program every day for a year. To make sure I hold true to my words, I announced it in my LinkedIn post. I will be 55 coming Saturday.

It has been a while since I have last written programming codes. I tried to fool myself that I am in management position now so I don’t need to code. The truth is if you don’t code, you cannot be cutting-edge. That is as good as annoucing retirement if you are in the technology sector.

Kids code nowadays. It is true. I taught SCRATCH to primary school students and they picked it up with enthusiasm.

I taught python programming to young adults in community colleges. Most pick it up after a few introduction courses.

Learning a programming language is no different than playing a musical instrument. One just gets better at it with more practices. According to Malcome Gladwell, you need to put in 10,000 hours to be a good programmer.

Learning to program is about problem-solving. It should be natural to everyone who are knowledge workers.

Thank you for your sharing. I am grateful that there are people who are life learner like you. I felt connected.

