Edward Keys
11 min readFeb 20, 2024


Amidst the ever-shifting landscape of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, Tor Wallet emerges as a bastion of enhanced privacy and security. Crafted specifically for EVM-compatible chains such as BNB, ETH, and Avalanche, Tor Wallet revolutionizes user interaction with the blockchain by seamlessly integrating the Tor protocol, commonly associated with the dark web.

Diverging from conventional wallet solutions, Tor Wallet ensures that all network requests pass through the Tor network, effectively shielding users’ IP addresses from potential tracking and censorship by external entities. This innovative approach not only heightens privacy but also strengthens security in blockchain transactions. By harnessing the capabilities of the Tor protocol, Tor Wallet empowers users with an elevated level of anonymity, safeguarding their transactions and interactions within supported blockchain networks from unwanted surveillance and censorship attempts.


Tor Wallet represents a groundbreaking advancement in the world of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions. Specifically designed for EVM-compatible chains like BNB, ETH, and Avalanche, Tor Wallet sets itself apart by incorporating the Tor protocol, renowned for its association with the dark net.

This integration ensures that all network requests originating from Tor Wallet are routed through the Tor network, effectively shielding users’ IP addresses from potential tracking and censorship by external entities. By leveraging the Tor protocol, Tor Wallet enhances the privacy and security of blockchain transactions, offering users a heightened level of anonymity and protecting their interactions within supported blockchain networks.

Tor Wallet empowers users to navigate the blockchain ecosystem with confidence, knowing that their transactions and interactions remain confidential and shielded from unwanted surveillance or censorship attempts. Through its seamless integration of the Tor protocol, Tor Wallet embodies the core principles of privacy, security, and freedom in the constantly evolving realm of cryptocurrency transactions.


Integration with Tor Protocol:

Tor Wallet stands out by seamlessly integrating the Tor protocol, a renowned privacy-focused network, into its infrastructure. This integration ensures that all network requests originating from Tor Wallet are routed through the Tor network, enhancing privacy by concealing users’ IP addresses from potential tracking and censorship by external entities.

Tailored for EVM-Compatible Chains:

Tor Wallet is specifically designed to cater to the needs of users transacting on EVM-compatible chains such as BNB, ETH, and Avalanche. This tailored approach ensures compatibility and optimal performance within these blockchain ecosystems, providing users with a seamless experience when managing their cryptocurrency assets.

Anonymity Protection:

One of the standout features of Tor Wallet is its ability to shield users’ IP addresses, thereby offering a heightened level of anonymity during blockchain transactions. By protecting users from potential tracking and censorship attempts by external entities, Tor Wallet empowers users to engage with the blockchain ecosystem with confidence, knowing that their identities remain safeguarded.

Privacy and Security Enhancement:

Through its integration of the Tor protocol, Tor Wallet significantly enhances the privacy and security of blockchain transactions. By leveraging the capabilities of the Tor network, Tor Wallet ensures that users’ interactions within supported blockchain networks are protected from unwanted surveillance or censorship attempts, instilling trust and confidence in users’ transactions.

Confidential Transactions:

Tor Wallet enables users to transact with confidence, knowing that their transactions and interactions remain confidential. This confidentiality ensures that users’ sensitive financial activities are protected from prying eyes, fostering a secure environment for conducting blockchain transactions.

User-Friendly Interface:

Despite its advanced privacy features, Tor Wallet maintains a user-friendly interface that prioritizes ease of use. This ensures that both experienced cryptocurrency enthusiasts and newcomers to the blockchain space can navigate the platform effortlessly, enhancing accessibility and usability for all users.


In the traditional use of wallets, there is a notable risk to privacy due to the transmission of your IP address to various third-party services. This exposure can lead to significant privacy concerns, as these services may gain insight into multiple wallet addresses associated with you. Consequently, this leaves you vulnerable to potential tracking, surveillance, and even the risk of transaction censorship.

Tor Wallet offers a robust solution to mitigate these privacy risks through the seamless integration of the Tor protocol. By incorporating the Tor protocol, Tor Wallet ensures that your IP address and wallet-related information remain confidential and secure. This integration acts as a powerful privacy-enhancing measure, shielding you from unwanted tracking and potential transaction censorship.

Through the use of the Tor protocol, Tor Wallet provides a heightened level of privacy protection in the realm of cryptocurrency transactions. Users can transact with confidence, knowing that their sensitive information is safeguarded, thereby enhancing privacy and security in the increasingly digital world of cryptocurrency management.


Tor Wallet sets a new standard in privacy and security by offering advanced features that go beyond basic protection. Through the integration of the Tor protocol, Tor Wallet ensures complete anonymity by shielding users’ IP addresses from any potential tracking or surveillance linked to their wallet activities.

In addition to the Tor protocol, Tor Wallet incorporates extra layers of privacy and security measures that surpass conventional wallet capabilities. This includes robust encryption protocols and enhanced authentication mechanisms, ensuring that users' sensitive information remains secure at all times.

With Tor Wallet, users can engage in blockchain transactions with confidence. The combination of advanced privacy and security features empowers users to conduct transactions knowing that their digital assets and personal information are safeguarded against potential threats. Tor Wallet provides users with peace of mind, enabling them to navigate the blockchain landscape securely and confidently.


In their dedication to bolstering user protection, Tor Wallet presents a comparable feature set while emphasizing heightened privacy and confidentiality in cryptocurrency interactions. Achieving feature parity signifies not only a significant milestone but also serves as a catalyst for ushering in a new era of secure wallet experiences.

To reinforce privacy and security, the Tor project team addressed critical concerns within protocols like Ledger and WalletConnect by crafting their own tailored implementations. This strategic approach ensures the absence of potential privacy leaks or security backdoors, instilling confidence in the security of cryptocurrency transactions.

The Tor Wallet team’s unwavering commitment to transparency and accessibility is evident through their entirely open-source endeavors, which are licensed under MIT. Furthermore, the Tor teams have established a best-effort distribution system, issuing build hashes to IPFS and Ethereum for independent verification. This dedication to transparency and accountability fosters a secure and transparent environment for their community, bolstering trust in Tor Wallet’s privacy and security standards.


In a significant breakthrough, Tor Wallet, a privacy-centric EVM-compatible wallet, transforms the landscape of cryptocurrency transactions. Departing from conventional methods, Tor Wallet redistributes 50% of the Swap fee directly to its users, delivering a distinctive and rewarding user experience.

Furthermore, Tor Wallet presents additional incentives to its users through Tor Token utilization. Holding TOR tokens allows users to earn 0.15% on every transfer made to any wallet within the Tor network in TOR tokens.

Additionally, TOR token holders receive a 0.1% bonus on every cryptocurrency swap conducted through the platform. This incentivization mechanism encourages user engagement and promotes the adoption of TOR tokens within the Tor Wallet ecosystem.

It’s noteworthy that TOR operates as a transparent factory contract, devoid of any tax fees, ensuring a transparent and cost-effective cryptocurrency experience for users. This transparency instills trust among users and reinforces Tor Wallet’s commitment to providing a seamless and rewarding cryptocurrency transaction environment.


TOR is committed to fostering a governance model that empowers its community members to actively participate in decision-making processes. This approach prioritizes transparency, inclusivity, and democratic principles within the TOR ecosystem.

Through open forum discussions and participatory voting facilitated by the TOR Snapshot platform, community members have the opportunity to voice their opinions and contribute to shaping the future of the platform. Proposals originating from the CORE, a designated group within the community, carry significant weight and must secure approval with a quorum threshold, ensuring that decisions reflect the collective will of the community. Major decisions, such as structural shifts and the allocation of devfund wallet resources, undergo community voting, ensuring broad participation and consensus-building on crucial matters. Conversely, minor operational adjustments and modifications to Tor menu farming pairs are handled internally by the core team, allowing for streamlined decision-making processes to maintain efficiency.


Despite facing initial uncertainties, the Tor network has demonstrated remarkable resilience, standing strong for nearly two decades. Its enduring strength is exemplified by the continuous expansion of its node ecosystem and the formidable challenge – if not outright impossibility – of successful breaches against it. This resilience underscores the robustness and reliability of the Tor network, which has proven its mettle in diverse circumstances.

Even in the hypothetical worst-case scenario of complete bypassing, our wallet maintains a superior level of privacy and security compared to conventional alternatives. Our commitment extends beyond mere utilization of the Tor network; we aspire to enhance its capabilities by introducing innovations like WebTor and actively contributing to its ongoing evolution. Having already addressed security issues within Tor, we are steadfast in our dedication to shaping a future that not only safeguards privacy but also fortifies the Tor network for the benefit of all users.


Total Supply: The total number of Tor tokens available is set at 1,000,000.

Tokens for Presale: A portion of the total supply, amounting to 472,000 Tor tokens, is allocated for the presale phase.

Tokens for Liquidity: Another portion of the total supply, comprising 228,684 Tor tokens, is reserved for liquidity purposes.

Initial Market Cap (estimate): Based on the total supply and initial token value, the estimated initial market capitalization is $109,720.

Soft Cap: The minimum amount of BNB required to be raised during the presale phase is set at 0.99 BNB.

Presale Start Time: The presale phase commenced on February 16, 2024, at 13:15 (UTC).

Presale End Time: The presale phase concluded on February 16, 2024, at 18:15 (UTC).

Listing on Pancakeswap: Tor tokens are listed on Pancakeswap, a decentralized exchange platform.

Liquidity Percent: A liquidity pool is established with 51% of the total token supply to facilitate trading on Pancakeswap.

Liquidity Lockup Time: The liquidity pool is locked up for 387 days after the pool ends to ensure stability and security.

Presale Address: The address where the presale of Tor tokens took place is 0x15Ae7808231315C761F6c5beAD871dc2a6901212.

Token Address: The contract address of Tor tokens is 0xBFFc63Cf0e844274a9092620a50a15eAb952EC04.


  • Presale (47.2%): The presale phase allocated 472,000 $TOR tokens, representing 47.2% of the total token supply. This allocation is intended to facilitate early investors’ participation in the project and generate initial liquidity.
  • Liquidity (22.8%): A portion of the token supply, totaling 228,000 $TOR tokens (22.8%), is allocated to liquidity. This allocation aims to provide liquidity for trading on decentralized exchanges and ensure price stability.
  • Hold To Earn (10%): 100,000 $TOR tokens are allocated for the “Hold To Earn” program, incentivizing holders to retain their tokens for a specified period to earn rewards. This mechanism encourages long-term token holding and contributes to a healthy token ecosystem.
  • Advisory Board (5%): 50,000 $TOR tokens (5%) are reserved for the advisory board, comprising experts and influencers who provide guidance and strategic advice to the project team. This allocation ensures that experienced individuals are incentivized to contribute their expertise to the project’s success.
  • In Wallet Staking Rewards (5%): Another 50,000 $TOR tokens (5%) are allocated for in-wallet staking rewards. This allocation incentivizes users to stake their tokens within the wallet ecosystem, thereby enhancing network security and decentralization.
  • Wallet Farms (5%): 50,000 $TOR tokens (5%) are allocated to wallet farms, incentivizing liquidity providers who contribute to liquidity pools on decentralized exchanges. This allocation encourages users to provide liquidity, ensuring efficient trading and price discovery.
  • Strategic Funds (3%): 30,000 $TOR tokens (3%) are earmarked for strategic funds, which are used for various strategic initiatives and partnerships to support the growth and development of the $TOR ecosystem.
  • Team Funds (1.5%): Finally, 15,000 $TOR tokens (1.5%) are allocated for team funds, compensating the project team for their efforts and contributions to the development and success of the $TOR project.


After the successful launch of the project, $TOR tokens will undergo listing on major cryptocurrency exchanges. This strategic move aims to expand the reach of the $TOR ecosystem by making the tokens more accessible to a broader audience of users and investors. Listing on reputable exchanges not only increases the visibility of the project but also enhances liquidity, enabling users to buy, sell, and trade $TOR tokens more easily. Additionally, being listed on major exchanges provides validation and credibility to the project, attracting more attention from potential investors and stakeholders in the cryptocurrency community. Stay updated for further announcements regarding the listing process and the specific exchanges where $TOR tokens will be available for trading.


The Tor project team is comprised of three highly skilled individuals: BAYC, Kongz, and Gordon. Each member brings a unique set of expertise in privacy, security, blockchain technology, and marketing, collectively forming a robust foundation for our project. With a shared vision and firm belief in the significance of privacy and security within the crypto ecosystem, our team is committed to developing a wallet solution that embodies these core principles.

BAYC brings invaluable insights into privacy and security measures, ensuring that our platform prioritizes user confidentiality and data protection. Kongz, with a background in blockchain technology, contributes technical proficiency to the team, ensuring the seamless integration of innovative features within our wallet solution. Gordon’s expertise in marketing enhances our project’s visibility and outreach efforts, effectively communicating our values and mission to the wider crypto community.

Driven by a common goal, our team is dedicated to creating a user-centric wallet solution that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our users. We are committed to fostering a culture of innovation, transparency, and user empowerment, guided by the principles of privacy and security.


The journey from the inception of the Tor Wallet project to its development and upcoming launch has been marked by a commitment to privacy, security, and innovation in the cryptocurrency space. Tor Wallet stands as a beacon of enhanced privacy and security, integrating the Tor protocol to ensure anonymous and secure transactions on EVM-compatible chains like BNB, ETH, and Avalanche. Throughout the development process, the Tor Wallet team has demonstrated dedication and expertise, with a focus on delivering a user-friendly and feature-rich wallet solution. From advanced encryption and integration with the Tor network to innovative tokenomics and community-driven governance, Tor Wallet embodies a holistic approach to addressing the evolving needs of cryptocurrency users.

The Tor Wallet project extends beyond technical innovation to encompass community engagement and empowerment. With a transparent and inclusive governance model, the project invites active participation from the community, ensuring that user feedback and input shape the future direction of the wallet.

#TOR #TorWallet #Securewallet #walletreward #Metamask #Trustwallet #BNBchain #Blockchain


WEBSITE: https://torwallet.xyz/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Tor_WalletTwitter

GITHUB: https://github.com/torwalletxyz

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Tor_Wallet_Official

GITBOOK: https://tor-wallet-1.gitbook.io/tor-wallet/

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@tor_wallet

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/tor_wallet/

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/torwallet/



PROOF OF AUTHENTICATION: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5485310.msg63677049#msg63677049


BSC BEP20 WALLET ADDRESS: 0x3EA58121623Bbd663E8c16203fbc854794bDEd56