Some people feel the rain, others just get wet: A metaphor for life

Joyce Edwards
2 min readNov 10, 2023

The quote “Some people feel the rain, others just get wet” is a powerful metaphor for how people experience life. Some people are able to deeply engage with their experiences, while others merely endure them.

People who “feel the rain” are able to appreciate the beauty and complexity of life. They are open to new experiences and are willing to learn from them. They are also able to find meaning and purpose in their challenges.

People who “just get wet” are more likely to see life as a series of obstacles to be overcome. They may be closed off to new experiences and unwilling to learn from their mistakes. They may also be more likely to see life as meaningless and pointless.

Of course, everyone experiences life differently. There is no right or wrong way to feel. However, the quote “Some people feel the rain, others just get wet” encourages us to be more mindful of our experiences and to find ways to “feel the rain.”

Here are some tips for “feeling the rain”:

  • Be present in the moment. When you are experiencing something, take the time to really notice it. What do you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel?
  • Be open to new experiences. Don’t be afraid to try new things and step outside of your comfort zone.
  • Be willing to learn from your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s how we learn and grow.
  • Find meaning and purpose in your challenges. Every challenge presents an opportunity to learn and grow.

When we are able to “feel the rain,” we are able to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. We are able to appreciate the beauty of life and to find meaning in our challenges.

Here are some examples of how people can “feel the rain” in different aspects of their lives:

  • A student who is struggling in a class can “feel the rain” by using their challenges as an opportunity to learn and grow. They can ask for help from their teacher, study more effectively, and develop new study habits.
  • A person who is going through a difficult breakup can “feel the rain” by grieving their loss and allowing themselves to feel their emotions. They can also use this experience to learn more about themselves and what they want in a relationship.
  • A person who is struggling with financial hardship can “feel the rain” by finding ways to reduce their expenses and increase their income. They can also use this experience to learn more about their values and what is truly important to them.

No matter what challenges we face in life, we can always choose to “feel the rain.” By doing so, we can live a more fulfilling and meaningful life



Joyce Edwards

i'm proud citizen if #UAE , I'm a passionate advocate for our planet & a firm believer in power of individual actions to create a collective impact. #climate