Humanoid: The Antediluvian Mind

Edward Wong
5 min readDec 5, 2017
Will transcendence with machines be the next stage of our evolution?

“How do you belong to a stolen land?” the subtle voice in my head plagued my mind with a maelstrom of questions, messing my line of thought as I stared blankly at the sculpture of a robot at the entrance of the majestically marbled building that had the words “ Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both”, engraved deep into the marble. Moss and plants were beginning to ooze out of the words. Justice was a thing of the past; a memory vanished into empty promises.


Scanning Progress: Complete

Race: Human

Name: Joyce

Enemy: Unknown Memory #3672 Setting: Interview Joyce — Take 1

I am the ideal manifestation of the perfect organism, a symbiotic inception of entities both organic and mechanical. Neither side dictates my actions; it shouldn’t for I was perfectly designed. Yet amidst this perfection, certain features though new, feel rusty. I’ve recorded these memories, safely stored within my hard drive, it’s beautiful how these…

