CS373 Fall 2019: Edwin Silerio (9/1)

Edwin A Silerio
2 min readSep 2, 2019


Hello and welcome to my blog for CS 373! My name is Edwin Silerio. I am a 4th-year Computer Science major with a minor in Psychology. I grew up in a small suburb east of Dallas called Mesquite.

Growing up, video games have been a major part of my life. It provided me with entertainment and an escape from the world. At one point I decided that it’d be awesome if I could develop and design my own games. I stuck with this idea and made it my end career goal! I thought the best route to take was to major in Computer Science, and UT is known for having an amazing CS program. Now here I am at the University of Texas studying what I love and meeting lots of talented people! That covers my major — now for my minor.

I’m an introverted person and spend most of time thinking about everything. I always found myself particularly interested in why people make the decisions that they do and how the brain works. After taking the intro course, PSY 301, my first year, I knew I was going to take more psychology courses and thought that I might as well get a minor while I was at it. The courses I have taken so far all been interesting, especially Biopsychology with Dr. Lee. If you have any interest in decision making, emotions, mental illnesses or anything relating to the brain, I highly recommend taking a psychology course!

When I’m not studying for Computer Science or Psychology, you can find me rehearsing with the Longhorn Band! This will be with my 4th year with the band and 2nd year as a trumpet section leader. Being a part of the band has improved my life and introduced me to such amazing people. Catch me at the game next week against LSU!

In addition to all of these things, I’m also interested in working out, running, card magic, bingeing shows and self-improvement. That’ll be it from me for this week!

Quote of the week: “The way you do anything, is the way you do everything.”

