An interview with Meiga Tutiarta, senior UX writer at Bukalapak

Edwin Mohammad
4 min readNov 22, 2018


She makes things immortal through words. #truestory

Meiga once told me that “UX writing is now a thing”. Couldn’t agree more. In fact, that was how I came across the idea to interview her!

Noticing so many interviews with UX writers written on Medium — but rarely do I find any from Indonesia — caught me by surprise. There are many talented writers, and I’ve met them, and it would just be wrong if I hadn’t learned and shared anything from them.

Meiga is one of the first few UX writers in Jakarta (if not Indonesia) whom I previously worked with at Traveloka. Her words and personality have inspired me.

Without further ado, let’s get to it!

Hey, Meiga! It’s so nice to talk to you again. What keeps you busy these days?

Hi Edwin! I just moved to Bukalapak in September after spending 3.5 years at Traveloka. I’m still on probation, though, so I’m currently busy figuring out the workaround here.

At Bukalapak, we call it product content strategist and not UX writer as we’re not only “writing” but also creating the strategy to improve our product content.

I see, but as someone who experienced UX writing, how do you define it in your shortest words?

This is what I put in my resume: “Enhancing user experience through words.”

What made you believe that UX writing can be good for your career?

UX writing is now a thing. Not only in Indonesia but also the world. We, UX writers, still try to find the right fit for the role. It means lots of challenges that equal to lots of opportunities. So yes, this will be good for my career and for anyone who choose the same path.

What do you like and hate most about UX writing?

Likes: When I managed to craft a concise and clear message to explain complicated things inside the product flow. Also, when I took part in usability testings and saw how copy can enhance the whole user experience, then told my designer friend, “See? I told you to use this word instead of that!”

Hates: When the product is confusing and I must listen to the unexplainable super complexed system running in the backend just to come up with a single line. Can we just fast forward to what users see on their screen, please?

Haha, clever! I’m getting curious though. Tell me about a day in a life of a product content strategist at Bukalapak.

As I’m still on probation, I got lots of challenges from the managers hehe.

I spend most time at the office brainstorming, writing, and getting feedbacks ASAP. The most challenging part is when I need to clarify the requirements from my stakeholders before pitching any copy. As you said Win, context is king.

Intermezzo: Read my article on why context (and not content) is king, right here.

Where do you find inspiration for the projects you are working on?

In a bottle of vodka after work. Kidding.

I Google “clever ads copywriting” and read fashion magazines. I learn to think outside the box from ads copy; it’s always about choosing the right words to play people’s emotions. And, I learn how to be a better storyteller from feature articles; more about making people engaged even though the content is lengthy.

I also read local newspapers to get a grip on choices of words that are common to users.

What about your biggest challenges as a UX writer?

The first lesson that I got from my mentor was, if want to be a good UX writer, I should be a good designer and UX expert as well. She taught me how to switch my point of view from being a writer to a designer.

In other terms, writing is just the output but what I actually do is solving users’ problems. However, some of the designers I work with still see me merely as “a writer”. Some of them underestimate me to be their sparring partners. By seeing me as “Meiga the writer” means they only see me as someone who fills in the blank within the UI components. Some UX writers I met also mentioned the same problem.

Can I add myself to that “some UX writers”? Hehe. Moving on, shall we. What are the tools that you use on a daily basis to finish your projects?

I rely on Gdocs, sometimes Balsamiq, Sketch, and Zeplin. And on daily basis, my notebook, A4's, post-its, and pen are my twin.

Last question, Mei. Do you have any sources (i.e. websites, apps, toolkits etc.) that you can recommend to other UX writers?

Not sure if it relates, but THIS has helped me a lot. It allows you to learn how many other apps show their information architecture and create different ways to deliver smooth user experience through the look and function.

Thank you so much, Mei, for spending some time answering all of the questions. Because I know you’re busy ;)

If you’d like to read some of Meiga’s Medium articles, follow Meiga Tutiarta.

If you’d like to know more about her, drop by her Instagram profile: @meigess.

No good with small talks? Talk about work with her through Linkedin:

