Mirror mirror on the wall

Edwin van der Hoeven
2 min readJan 14, 2019

I read it all over the Internet; people being in relations where they mirror each other. It has become the new hot thing in the spiritual landscape and we call these relations a twin flame reunion or finding our soul mate. But have you ever looked in the mirror and saw more than you? The irony with mirrors is that you don’t see the mirror, you just see yourself. In these kinds of relations you might feel more alone than you have ever felt. And seekers on the so-called spiritual path othen love this torment.

It’s really a strange phenomenon; you mirror me, I mirror you. But isn’t a relation truly about showing you and the other showing himself. How much more beautiful would it be if you would show your vulnerability, so your partner could see it knowing it is ok to be vulnerable too. Wouldn’t it be more empowering to show your love who you are, with all your limitations and imperfections, so your partner would open his/her heart too accepting and loving what he or she sees within?

A relationship should not be about building walls and defences, but about transparency and openness, about laughter and joy. Not because you need the other to be perfect, but because you know you are not. How much more peace would you experience knowing you can be you. Feeling you are seen for who you are with all your perfect imperfections. It’s not the mirror that brings us closer in a relation…



Edwin van der Hoeven

Born a Scorpio in 1974.. fascinated with mediumship, states of consciousness, music ranging from Allan Holdsworth to Joni Mitchell and crypto enthusiast!