Announcing IFTTT Support!

Edyn Smart Garden
4 min readApr 6, 2017


One of the most common feature requests here at Edyn is the ability to download data from an Edyn sensor, and integrate Edyn devices with other smart home platforms. We’re happy to announce that we’ve recently integrated with, the leading platform for connecting IoT devices and platforms.

To access the Edyn IFTTT channel and view our pre-built applets, please visit

We currently offer 6 pre-built IFTTT applets on the Edyn channel. We will also explain below how to create your own applets, and how to use IFTTT’s ‘maker webhooks’ to connect to your own server or application outside of IFTTT.

Save Edyn Garden Sensor Data to a Google Spreadsheet

This applet allows you to download new sensor readings to a google spreadsheet. To enable this applet, select the applet from the list of available applets. Toggle the switch to “turn on.” Select the name of the Edyn Garden you would like. You can also designate a path within your google drive for the spreadsheet. If you don’t have a google account, you will need to create one and link it to Once set up, the applet will automatically create a new google spreadsheet and download new readings to it. Google spreadsheets are limited to 2,000 rows, so the applet will automatically create a new spreadsheet after 2,000 readings. If you have the IFTTT smartphone app installed, you can also elect to receive a push notification every time a new reading is recorded. Please be advised: the IFTTT:Google Spreadsheet integration does not allow us to include column headings in the spreadsheet. You can insert them yourself once you have enabled the applet by opening the spreadsheet in your Google drive. The column order is Date & Time of reading(your local time zone): Light: Temperature: Moisture: Humidity: Battery Level : WiFi Strength (1–5 bars).

When the Soil Moisture is too low, Water the Garden (and Alert Me on my Phone)

This applet is designed to approximate some of the functions of our smart watering feature, and allow you to customize the moisture threshold and averaging window. You must have an Edyn Water Valve AND an Edyn Garden Sensor installed to use this feature. Please note: unlike smart watering this applet does NOT take into account temperature, light, humidity or the weather forecast when determining your watering schedule. Select the applet and toggle it on. Select the garden you want and the moisture threshold. When average soil moisture drops below this threshold, the trigger will fire. Choose your averaging window. An averaging window of 1 hour will average all readings for the past hour, and an averaging window of 4 days will average all readings for the past 4 days. This average must be below the threshold you set for the trigger to fire. Select the duration of watering and tap save. If you have the IFTTT app installed on your smartphone, you will recieve a notification every time this applet fires. Please note: waterings created by this applet will NOT be cancelled even if rain skipping is enabled in the Edyn app. Any waterings scheduled via the Edyn app WILL proceed as-scheduled.

Create your own Applet

Select ‘New Applet’ underneath your username. Follow the prompts on to select the trigger(s) and action(s) for your applet. A list of all availble Edyn triggers and actions is available by clicking “Edyn Triggers and Actions” at the bottom of You can integrate any of the Edyn triggers and actions with any of the other triggers and actions from over 200 different manufacturers.

Connect Edyn to an external server or application

IFTTT offers ‘maker webhooks’ to integrate any of their services with an external server or application. If you haven’t already enabled maker webhooks on your IFTTT account, visit to enable them.

To create an applet that posts readings from your Edyn sensor to an external server:

  • tap ‘new applet’ underneath your username.
  • tap ‘this’ and select ‘Edyn.’
  • select ‘new sensor reading’
  • select the garden of your choosing and tap ‘create trigger’
  • tap ‘that’ and select ‘maker ‘webhooks’
  • select ‘Make a Web Request’
  • Fill out the required fields. For URL enter the URL of your server or external application. Tap +Ingredient for each metric you want to monitor. You can add ingredients to the url or the body of your post. Please note: if you do not add any ingredients to the url or body of your post, you will not recieve any actual readings. Select the method (POST, GET, etc) and the content type (json, plain text, etc) and tap ‘create action.’
  • This applet will now fire every time your Edyn sensor creates a new reading, and will make a web request to the URL you designated with the sensor data you selected as ingredients.

