My TIIDELAB Experience 2.0 : Embracing the Uncharted Path

Idris Haruna Alih
4 min readSep 9, 2023


The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” — Tony Robbins

Welcome to the second installment of my TIIDELAB journey. If you missed the first chapter, you can catch up here.

This month kicked off with a pleasant surprise; I was honored with a TIIDELAB notebook for ranking at the top of the evaluations last month. This unexpected recognition served as both a shock and a powerful motivator, pushing me to continue striving for excellence.

Award for topping first month evaluations

Enhancing Technical Skills:

TIIDELAB possesses a unique knack for setting realistic expectations for beginners and simplifying complex problems. Prior to joining TIIDELAB, I had regarded JavaScript as an insurmountable challenge, often deeming it too difficult to grasp.

Finally, the journey into JavaScript commenced with the introduction of our new coach, Mr. Kenny. This moment held special significance for me, as I eagerly anticipated diving into the world of JavaScript and applying this newfound knowledge to my work.

Throughout our sessions, we delved into variable declaration, data types, conditional statements, functions, and the Document Object Model (DOM). Understanding these concepts wouldn’t have been nearly as accessible without Mr. Kenny’s exceptional ability to break down each chapter for enhanced comprehension.

JavaScript class with Mr. Kenny

Following each class, we were put to the test, tasked with building a bank USSD system using conditional statements. I successfully completed this challenge, and you can view my work here.

Cultivating Soft Skills:

TIIDELAB not only instructs you on how to start but also guides you on how to grow. The importance of soft skills cannot be overstated in today’s job market. This month, we focused on decision-making, engaging in interactive discussions where we shared past decisions and how we handled their consequences.

Our tutor, Mr. Shamsudeen Aderoju, opened my eyes to the shortcomings in some of our past decisions and illuminated how we could have handled them better if we had known then what we know now.

Professional development class

This month was also marked by the invaluable addition of mentors. In the tech world, the adage follow those who know the road holds true. Mentorship not only provides guidance but also imparts wisdom on avoiding common pitfalls as you navigate your career.

TIIDELAB cohort5 Mentors

Team Projects:

In our inaugural month, all fellows were divided into different teams, each tasked with a project. My team was assigned the development of an electronic health record system web application. We began by thoroughly understanding our project, conducting research, and crafting our software requirements specifications (SRS) and functional requirements document (FRD).

At TIIDELAB, no knowledge is wasted. We were also challenged to bring our user interface and user experience (UI/UX) designs to life through the use of Figma, a task we successfully accomplished as a team.

High fidelity design of team project (Bit Medics)

In Conclusion:

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the visionary founder of TIIDELAB, Mr. Salami Kadir, the program coordinator, Mr. Shamsudeen Aderoju, our dedicated coaches, mentors, and fellow participants. I’d also like to express my appreciation to our sponsors, the Industrial Training Fund Nigeria (ITF), and the Nigeria Employees Consultative Association (NECA).

TIIDELab Cohort-5 Physical Meet-Up Abuja

Thank you for joining me on this journey and reading about my second month’s experience at TIIDELAB. Stay tuned for next month’s chapter as we continue to explore the uncharted terrain of the tech world.



Idris Haruna Alih

Technical writer || Frontend developer || Peace ambassador