Jee LeeCircling around p5.jsAfter my week at Anderson Ranch Arts Center learning experimental animation and video with Processing from Casey Raes, the co-founder of…Aug 8, 2018Aug 8, 2018
Jee LeeGetting ClosureClosures can be hard to explain in plain English and are often misunderstood, but closures are crucial for understanding Javascript. I am a…Jul 18, 2018Jul 18, 2018
Jee LeeInvestigate CSRFWhile working on my Ruby on Rails app I came across ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken error while working with forms. What happens…Jul 4, 2018Jul 4, 2018
Jee LeeDIY Ruby GemsGems are software packages that allow us to easily change or increase functionality in Ruby applications. Not only you can find and install…Jun 20, 2018Jun 20, 2018