
Eraldo Souza dos Santos
2 min readJan 22, 2023


I write about social movements.

“No Justin, No Martin, No Peace,” Review of Democracy (16 April 2023).

“Violence,” The Philosopher (1 February 2023).

“In Brazil and in the United States, We Need to Avoid Learning the Wrong Lessons from Right-Wing Attacks,” Forces of Renewal for Southeast Asia (January 27, 2023).

“(Des)obediência evangélica,” Jacobin Brasil (January 16, 2023).

“Bolsonarismo gandhiano,” Jacobin Brasil (December 3, 2022).

“5 livros para entender o que é a desobediência civil,” Nexo Jornal (November 20, 2022).

“O problema são os fins, não os métodos,” Jacobin Brasil (November 11, 2022). Reply: “As manifestações políticas são legítimas,” Diário da Causa Operária (November 16, 2022).

“France’s Youth Aren’t Apathetic. They’re Angry,” World Politics Review (June 28, 2022).

“Seeing Civil Disobedience Like a State.” Review Essay on Seeing Like an Activist: Civil Disobedience and the Civil Rights Movement, by Erin R. Pineda (Oxford University Press, 2021), The Philosopher (Winter 2022).

“Climate activists held the largest anti-airport protest in British history. Expect more worldwide,” Washington Post (November 24, 2021).

“Bolsonaro Needs Brazilians to Believe He’ll Stage a Coup,” World Politics Review (September 17, 2021).

The Sit-Ins: Protest and Legal Change in the Civil Rights Era, by Christopher W. Schmidt,” LSE Review of Books (September 3, 2018).

In the Heat of the Summer: The New York Riots of 1964 and The War on Crime, by Michael W. Flamm,” LSE Review of Books (April 11, 2017).

