Suzanne Somers: Captivating Life & Unforeseen Death Discussed

Delving into the life and legacy of Suzanne Somers: an honest tribute by your favorite modern witch, E.E. White.

E.E. White
3 min readOct 16, 2023
Photo by Aleksandr Ledogorov on Unsplash

Farewell To A Tv Icon: Suzanne Somers

Well, darling, gather round the digital cauldron as we take a moment to respectfully honor Suzanne Somers, a woman who managed to age like fine wine and not even need a drop of pixie dust to do it. There’s a certain sadness that fills our hearts and minds when we hear about the departure of such a beloved figure.

Suzie, as I affectionately called her during my many all-night “Three’s Company” binges (don’t judge me, you’ve been there too), was every bit a queen of the small-screen. And today, my fellow witches and warlocks, we bid adieu to this beacon of sass and spunk.

Somers was not just your run-of-the-mill actress nor was she just that blonde who lobbed laugh lines on late-night reruns. Nah, darlings, she was a lot more. Over the years she graced us with her talent, Somers evolved into an author, entrepreneur, singer, and health advocate. Talk about wearing all the hats without messing up your hair!

We cannot possibly forget her iconic portrayal of Chrissy Snow on “Three’s Company.” In fact, many of us, even after all these years and all those completed Netflix series, still picture her in that role. With Somers on screen, you could be guaranteed some hearty laughs, a side of snark, and a healthy dose of the ’70s. But let’s not forget, she wasn’t just any TV star; she was one in a generation, standing out with her signature blend of humor and wit.

Beyond the flashing lights of Hollywood and the sound of canned laughter, Suzanne Somers revolutionized health advocacy. This was a woman who didn’t just survive breast cancer but stared it in the eye and said, “not today, sweetheart.” After her victory against the Big C, she dedicated a big part of her life to breaking the taboo around talking about illnesses, especially the ones the society whispered were ‘womanly’

I do good in the world — at least I try to. I speak on behalf of women, and I know I have made the lives of women happier as a result of teaching them what I have learned relative to true health, rather than disease care. -Suzanne Somers

Somers was also a celebrated author. Her books, ranging from autobiographies to diet tips to dodging aging, will live on — ensuring her name remains in the minds and hearts of those who admired her for years to come. It’s a somber moment when we see someone who has contributed so much simply fade away. But, my pretties, remember this: stars do not fade — they merely find new galaxies to illuminate.

Suzanne Somers, may your journey to the other side be as spritely and spunky as you were in this lifetime. Tonight, let’s all raise our glasses to this magnificent woman who has left a little bit of her Pixie sparkle and sass with us all.

Yours in the Craft,
E.E. White



E.E. White

Embark on a mystical journey with me as we explore the realms of magick and mysticism. Discover spiritual wisdom and enchanting practices for self-discovery.