Single Vision vs Progressive Lenses: An In-Depth Comparison

3 min readMay 16, 2024

Title: Single Vision vs Progressive Lenses: An In-Depth Comparison

With the rise of progressive lenses, many spectacle wearers find themselves wondering: Are they a better choice than my trusted single vision lenses?

I. Introduction

Many people think of glasses as a simple tool to help us see clearly, but specs aficionados know better: The world of eyewear is vast and exciting, packed full of complexity. This complexity often leads to confusion for the uninitiated– especially when they need to choose between two types of lenses: single-vision and progressive. But fret not, in this detailed guide, we’ll help you understand the difference between the two, and guide you in choosing what’s best for you.

Vision Correction

II. Understanding Vision Correction

Before we delve into the differences between single-vision and progressive lenses, it’s important to first comprehend the basics of vision correction. Our eyes are like a camera, ideally, the light entering your eye should focus precisely on your retina. However, existence of refractive errors, like myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism, and presbyopia disrupt this focus. Glasses correct these errors by compensating for your eye’s inability to focus light correctly.

III. What are Single Vision Lenses?

Single vision lenses have the same focal power over the entire lens and correct one field of vision — near, intermediate, or distance. They’re usually prescribed to younger people with myopia (nearsightedness) or hypermetropia (farsightedness). However, for those beginning to experience presbyopia (an age-related condition where near objects become blurred), a pair of reading glasses — single vision glasses — will be prescribed for close-up tasks.

IV. What are Progressive Lenses?

Unlike single vision lenses, progressive lenses have the ability to correct multiple fields of vision (near, intermediate, and distance vision) within one single lens due to gradient changes in power. They’re designed to create a natural transition from distance to intermediate to up-close reading areas, without any visible segmentation. Progressive lenses are often the best option for those with presbyopia who also need correction for myopia, hypermetropia, or astigmatism.

V. Comparison Between Single Vision and Progressive Lenses

In comparison, single vision lenses are simpler, cheaper, and do not require a period of adjustment. They solve a single vision problem with a straightforward, one-prescription solution. However, if you need correction for more than one field of vision, you must switch between different pairs.

On the other hand, progressive lenses offer smooth, continuous vision for all distances in one pair of glasses, eliminating the need to switch between glasses for different tasks. However, they tend to be more expensive and new wearers may require an adjustment period to get used to the lens gradient.

VI. Choosing Between Single Vision and Progressive Lenses

The choice between single vision and progressive lenses boils down to your specific vision needs, personal preferences, and lifestyle. If you’re only facing issues with a single field of vision, single vision lenses should suit your needs. However, if you’re experiencing difficulties with various focal points (especially due to presbyopia), progressive lenses could be a game changer for you.

VII. Conclusion

Spectacle lenses, whether single vision or progressive, serve to improve our vision, and thereby our quality of life. It is essential to remember that our eyes are unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, it’s always best to consult your eyecare professional. They can provide a thorough eye examination and guide you towards the ideal lens type, centered on your particular vision needs. Here at EFE Glasses, we offer a myriad of single vision and progressive lenses, ensuring you find your perfect match. After all, a clear, comfortable vision is integral to the enjoyment of our daily lives!

