Effect.AI at Huobi Summit in London and Amsterdam

Effect Network
Effect Network
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2018

The Huobi European expansion team has asked Chris Dawe, CEO of Effect.AI, to host its panel discussion on Quant trading during the Huobi Summit on Tuesday June 26th here in Amsterdam. ‘Quant’ or ‘quantitative trading’ relies on statistical analysis and high volume to maximize profits and is uniquely suited to leverage opportunities in crypto-trading. As part of Huobi’s expansion into the European market, the Summit aims to highlight their exchange as the premiere solution for high volume trading.

Huobi: more than just an exchange

Huobi is a top 3 global exchange with an average daily volume of well over a billion euro. The Huobi trading platform is extremely intuitive, safe and easy to use, and it is fast becoming the go-to exchange at the Effect.AI office. What really sets Huobi apart, however, is their vision when it comes to the blockchain space and making sure all layers of society benefit from the opportunities blockchain technology provides. Specifically, these are some of the forward-thinking initiatives Huobi Global has launched recently:

  • Huobi Labs
    Huobi Labs is a San Francisco based incubator that supports blockchain startups with hands-on advice, SMARTChain assessment and evaluation, and over a billion dollars of funding in crypto form. Even though this could eventually create platforms that compete with Huobi, they feel bolstering the blockchain industry as a whole is a far more important and worthwhile objective.
  • Huobi SMARTChain
    Huobi’s SMARTChain assessment and evaluation model provides in-depth analysis for a wide variety of blockchain assets. Based on research, current trends, and over 50 unique indicators, the SMARTChain model provides an accurate assessment of the risks and opportunities of more than 190 cryptocurrency projects and counting.
  • Huobi Academy
    With a field that is developing as rapidly as blockchain, you need a dedicated research department to stay ahead of the curve. Huobi Academy satisfies that need by housing a team of researchers and experts that identify important trends, opportunities, and new ways of decentralizing traditional models.

It is plain to see that Huobi is becoming the shining example of innovation and inclusion in an industry that is filled with companies vying for that position. What elevates Huobi is that they have a laser focus on blockchain as a transformational technology, one with huge societal benefits hardcoded into its DNA. This aligns perfectly with Effect.AI’s objectives and it’s part of the reason why Chris is eager to attend the Huobi Summits come next week.

Join us at the event!

To reiterate: Chris will be present at both the London and Amsterdam event. He will host the Quant trading panel at the Huobi Summit in Amsterdam on June 26. A limited number of tickets for the event are still available. Register now if you plan to attend: http://www.huobisummit.com/.

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