Effect.AI — January Update

Effect Network
Effect Network
Published in
9 min readJan 22, 2019

The First Newsletter of 2019!

“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been” — Rainer Maria Rilke


  • Winner Winner — Effect.AI wins TNW Pitch Battle
  • Georgia UN Pilot Program UPDATE
  • Effect Ambassadors UPDATE
  • Chris’ Late Night AMA Session
  • Blockfolio Signals
  • DAIA Partnership
  • Here, There and Everywhere (Events/Meetups/Network)
  • Tech Generic Template (short writing with images) (Link to Medium blog)
  • New Effect.AI Website (coming February 21st)
  • Effect Force Updates: Badges, Notifications, flagging and more

With a new year come new possibilities, and we are looking forward to the great things we will be working on this year. The end of the year also allowed us to reflect on the past year and how far we have come. Last year we actively initiated our project with a small group of passionate people. During the year we saw that group grow and work towards the Effect Force launch. Our platform is now live and we have over 2000 workers performing tasks for requesters.

We have also evaluated some factors we can improve on, and we will continue to do so during 2019. Most importantly, we know that none of this would have been possible without the support of all of you, our community. So we want to start this newsletter off by saying: Thank you! We are extremely fortunate to have such a great community supporting us and you inspire us to keep working hard to make our dream of a decentralized network for AI a reality. Enjoy the update!

Winner Winner — Effect.AI wins TNW Pitch Battle

Last week Chris participated in a Pitch Battle organized by the TNW foundation right here in Amsterdam. He faced some heavy competition which makes it even more excited to announce that he won! Winning came with some hefty benefits. We won free passes to the TNW conference in May and a free trip to the 4YFN conference in Barcelona. With this win the organizers have also connected us with affiliated innovators, investors, and organizations from all over the globe. We’ve already been in contact with many of them and are working to formulate partnerships and collaborations.

Georgia UN Pilot Program UPDATE

A few weeks ago we started the Effect Social Impact Hubs UN Pilot Program in Georgia. In collaboration with the UN, we have brought on 12 Georgian citizens who have been working on Effect Force for 3 weeks now. This pilot showcases the value of the project in developing nations by providing jobs to those who need them, allowing them to educate themselves and work on something that has meaning and impact. The goal of the pilot is twofold. Firstly, we are looking to establish a partnership with the UN to open a permanent Effect Social Impact Hub in Georgia. Secondly, we’re discovering several ways the UN can use Effect Force to enrich and structure data to solve pressing issues in Georgia, like disaster/flooding prediction and relief, sustainable living, and other matters the UN are closely monitoring in the region.

Another exciting addition to the UN pilot Is that our star advisor Sally Eaves has started working very closely with the UN as a social impact strategy consultant… Perfect, right?! Chris and Sally are planning to visit the UN in Georgia the first week of March to commence the pilot and plan the next steps of the Effect Social Impact HUBs in Georgia.

Words from the Georgian Pilot WorkForce

“I can see how this program will open up new opportunities which everyone in Georgia should experience. Moreover the poverty and unemployment causes serious problems in my country so people would have the opportunity to improve their lives. The flexibility of this job and the chance to work from anywhere, anytime by any means would be great for anybody.”

“In the beginning I didn’t really know how AI worked and why it was so important. Now I am understanding and glad to be part of this program.”

“Coming out from the fact that Georgia is still a developing country and people from middle or lower classes can not accommodate their daily needs solely by their poor or no income, this type of impact hub will give them the opportunity to help themselves while working on AI that can solve global issues.”

“We get to be a small part of developing AI which undoubtedly will be a huge part of our future.”

Effect Ambassadors UPDATE

We’re thrilled to officially launch the Effect Ambassadors Program on February 1st. The Effect Ambassadors Program is made up of a collective of community members who will be able to support the project in various ways. This allows us to encourage passionate community members and incentivize their ideas, creativity, and participation. The Effect.AI team has carefully selected 49 Ambassadors from over 30 countries to join The Effect Ambassadors Movement (TEAM).

“These are exciting times! Not only for The Effect Network, but for the movement towards a more fair, open, distributed and decentralized future. This is the official start of The Effect Network’s Decentralized Autonomous Community. Several of these members will surely become part of our governance structure and will help shape the future of this democratic, open Artificial Intelligence Network. All of us at Effect.AI want to welcome these new teammates to the project and look forward to expanding this program into the 1000’s.” ~ Chris Dawe — CEO Effect.AI

Late Night AMA Session

Late Saturday night, January 12th (Amsterdam time (GMT+1) Chris, CEO/Co-Founder of Effect.AI, took to Telegram to answer several questions from the Effect.AI community. One of our great community members copied the AMA and posted it in its entirety on the Effect.AI subReddit. Check it out on Reddit here.

DAIA Partnership (if you missed it)

EFFECT.AI is excited to announce its partnership with DAIA, an alliance of serious participants in the AI & blockchain related ecosystems, coming together to collectively solve common challenges and create an amazing future. The new DAIA Telegram channel is up and running so feel free to join show the Effect.AI spirit (join here). Check out the Medium Blog of the partnership here.

Blockfolio Signals

EFX is now part of the Blockfolio family. Anyone that is tracking EFX in the Blockfolio app will get exciting push notification updates directly from the core Effect.AI team. To learn more and get the Blockfolio app, go to their website.

Here, There and Everywhere

OKEX Panel Discussion and Networking event, Amsterdam, January 31
Members of the Effect.AI team will attend the event in Amsterdam. Chris (Effect.AI CEO and Co-Founder) will join a panel on the topic of the challenges facing widespread crypto adoption in society and the state of the current crypto trading landscape. There is also a private meeting between Chris and the upper management of OKEX after the event. Top Secret stuff happening:) If you are in the Amsterdam area and want to join this event, register Here.

Nakamoto’s Den Investment Blockchain Conf., Cyprus, February 19–20
We’re excited to attend this incredible conference in Cyprus, where Chris will be featured as one of the keynote speakers. Chris will also join as a panelist and participate in a post ICO pitch battle. We feel this will be an amazing event as it is organized by the founding members of Universal Crypto and features highly-regarded speakers, projects and investors. Book your tickets now.

Mind Chain Conf. When Blockchain meets AI, Romania, February 21–22
The day after Chris’ appearance in Cyprus at Nakamoto’s Den he will speak at the Mind Chain Conference in Transylvania Romania. Mind Chain is focussed on decentralized Artificial Intelligence, so it is self-evident that we will be present there. Chris is featured as a keynote speaker at this event as well, presenting on the topic of Centralized vs. Decentralized AI. During his presentation he will certainly rip into Jeff Bezos and other centralized giants, and discuss how they operate in today’s tech landscape. Read more

4YFN Connecting Startups, Spain, February 25–28
Chris was invited to an international Pitch Battle in Amsterdam and, while facing some heavy competition, was able to pull of the win! Chris’ winning pitch won us a trip to Barcelona to participate at the 4YFN conference. 4YFN showcases the latest tech startup innovations from around the world during a three-day long conference. We’re excited to go as it will allow us to showcase Effect Force and meet interesting startups and innovators. Want to know more abot 4YFN? Check them out here.

TNW conf. Europe’s Leading Tech Festival, Netherlands, May 9–10
Winning the international Pitch Battle, also earned Effect.AI all access passes to the TNW conference for the entire team. Last year TNW stood out as one of the most exciting and fruitful conferences of the year, so we’re happy to be selected. This year we join 17,500 digital minds to share ideas and do business. Most importantly, since TNW takes places only 100 meters from the Effect HQ… After party at the Effect.AI office! Check out the TNW website here.


Tech Generic Template
Every Requester is unique and has different needs. That’s why Effect Force introduces Generic Templates. Generic Templates make it possible for Requesters to create tasks in an isolated environment with HTML, CSS and JavaScript features in their tasks, including Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) callbacks. This allows Requesters to build out incredibly unique and custom tasks on the Effect Force platform. Check out the medium blog from Laurens here.

New Effect.AI Website (coming February 21st)
A few months ago Effect Force got a fresh design update, including a new website to attract companies and workers to the platform. This has been a big step forward in branding and growing the product. Next up is an even bigger overhaul focused on The Effect Network, the beating heart of all applications connected to it. The goal is to clearly communicate the power and features a decentralized network for AI can bring to the world. Surprise included, so stay tuned…

Force Update: Badges, Gotta Catch ’em all
The first feature added to Effect Force this month is the display of collected qualifications on your profile page. If you got validated for any of the qualifying campaigns go check your profile :-). Aside of the badges all campaigns will now clearly state what qualification you need in order to join, very important when the number of tasks on the Force starts growing.

Force Update: Flagging
Once every while workers get confronted with problematic content while performing tasks. You’re classifying selfie’s and suddenly a dead link pops-up, what will you do? How will this affect your reputation? As content on the web changes over time and requester make mistakes these cases occur more and more frequently. From now on workers are able to Flag any expired, invalid, inappropriate or illegal content. Flagged content will be checked by validators of Effect Force and will be dealt with accordingly.

Thanks for reading!

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