Effect Ambassadors Program

Effect Network
Effect Network



The last year has been an incredible ride for the Effect.AI team! Most of the amazing members of our community have been on this journey right from the start. We could not be where we are today without the unwavering support of our loyal community. 5009 individuals from 116 countries participated in our Token Sale with 15,000 Telegram members, 35,000 registrants to our newsletter and a total of over 70,000 community members across all our social platforms.

Over the last months we have had hundreds of community members start initiatives to help our project in several ways across the globe. This has motivated us to start The Effect Ambassador Program. The program is to support and incentivise the ideas, creativity and participation of our amazing community and to give them all access pass to join us on the ride of a decentralized AI for all. Let’s start getting Effect Force massively adopted NOW!

Want to know more? Go to https://force.effect.ai

Unlike the most blockchain projects, Effect.AI actually has a full released working platform. Our first product is Effect Force and it offers a unique solution, using its Human Workforce, to help companies sort, structure & enrich vast quantities of data, preparing them for use in their own Machine Learning Solutions, enabling the use of Artificial Intelligence for all types of data analytics. Sound important? Well we believe so and we need your help to spread the word.

What can an Effect Ambassador do?

There are several positions and ways to participate.

  • Social Media management and community moderation
  • Blog writing, translation and content creation
  • Speaking at local events about Effect
  • Organizing local Effect meet-ups
  • Lead generation for Effect Force
  • Become an Effect Force Partner via our referral program
  • Create a product that that taps into the Force (more on this and the first global Effect Force/Effect Smart Market hackathon coming soon)

Who can be an Effect.AI Ambassador?

Anyone can apply to become an ambassador. We will be selecting Ambassadors who have:

  • A detailed understanding of the Effect.AI and Effect Force
  • A passion to help others
  • Priority will go to community members that have been with us and shown support in the past

Why become an Effect.AI Ambassador?

As a new innovative decentralized initiative the only way to succeed is with mass adoption and participation from those who wish to realise the Effect Network mission. As an Ambassador the primary goal is to introduce our platform to the people who need it the most:

1. The requesters, whether it be Data scientists, SaaS company, universities, government agencies, AI startups or researcher that need high quality structured data to create and adopt AI as quickly as “humanly” possible and

2. Identifying skilled and motivated workers to join the party! As the annotation industry is set to grow rapidly over the next decade, we will always need to find highly motivated and skilled workers.

What’s in it for you?

  • Get tokens and referral bonuses for the support you give and work you do
  • Be first to learn about product updates, news and opportunities
  • Collaborate directly with the Effect.AI team and other Ambassadors in our Discord channel
  • Monthly video calls with Chris and other Effect.AI team members

Want to be a Effect Ambassador?

This is a call to all who want to Effect change by joining the AI for Good revolution. The first round of applications will be open until December 15, after which we will review your application and get back to you the first week of January with the next steps. Apply here now!

The Effect.AI Team

Web | Telegram | Twitter | Facebook | Youtube | Github | Reddit | Linkedin| Medium | Steemit

