Effect Update: August 16th

Effect Network
Effect Network
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2018

Welcome to our new monthly newsletter! The aim is to offer a more in depth look at everything that’s going on at Effect.AI. For those who enjoy more frequent updates, we will still be regularly releasing content on our YouTube and other social channels.


  • EFX tokens can now be traded on LAToken exchange
  • Effect Force private beta returns
  • Look ma, I’m on (Dutch) TV! RTL Z came to film at our new office yesterday

Tech updates

First of all, we reopened our private beta earlier this week. After a recent spam attack on the NEO blockchain, we decided to make some adjustments to Effect Force to make it more resilient against future problems with NEO. We are happy to report that the new tasks are up and running more smoothly than ever. We also hope to release additional task types in the upcoming weeks, so watch this space.

Recent partnership agreements have given our development team plenty to work on. The design team is currently building new task types to show off the myriad use cases of Effect Force. Besides image classification, we’re adding audio and video transcription, facial recognition, embedded surveys, and much more. Designing these features is a key part of our marketing strategy, because it means that potential requesters can immediately see the value of using Effect Force for their data annotation needs.

Business strategy

We recently became one of the first NEP-5 tokens to be listed on the LAToken exchange. For those unfamiliar, LAToken enables cryptocurrencies to be widely used in the real economy by making real assets tradable in crypto. Growing the number of exchanges where you can buy and sell EFX tokens is important, as it increases the practicality and convenience of working and earning on Effect Force.

Since attending RISE conference in Hong Kong at the beginning of July, we’ve been continuing conversations with some really interesting requesters. We’re now working on some demos covering areas like sentiment analysis, audio transcription, and chat bots.

Our CEO Chris has also continued discussions with local partners in Tbilisi, Georgia, about opening an Impact Hub there. This is a place where people can learn new technical skills and earn a fair wage through completing tasks on Effect Force.


Nahil is the latest member of the Effect.AI team. An artist and graphic designer by trade, he is working on everything from infographics and mockups to pitch decks for potential partners. Last month, we also added Sam, head of business development and partnerships, and Jaspar, who is handling communication and various other creative projects.

We also recently moved into a snazzy new office in Amsterdam, giving us the space we need to accommodate our growing team. If you’re in the area and want to say hello, please drop by!

Press & Events

Yesterday, we welcomed some special visitors — a TV crew from RTL Z, a popular Dutch business news channel. They came to chat to our CEO Chris and CTO Jesse about our vision for a decentralized platform for AI services. If you’re in Holland, keep an eye out for us!

We’re also in the process of applying for the world’s biggest tech conference, CES, which takes place in Las Vegas in January. Needless to say, it’s an incredible opportunity for us to meet other movers and shakers in the AI and blockchain spaces, as well as potential strategic partners and requesters.

We are hiring!

Finally, we are continuing to add to the team. In particular, we are looking for talent to join our development team upstairs.

