Tony Tran joins EFFECT.AI Board of Advisors

Effect Network
Effect Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2018

Tony Tran, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of The Bee Token,
has joined Effect.AI as an advisor.

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s announcement of Charlie Shrem’s advisory role at Effect.AI is yet another high-profile addition to Effect.AI’s Board of Advisors. Co-founder and CTO of The Bee Token, Tony Tran, is coming on board to provide valuable input in the areas of machine learning, computer vision and blockchain technology. Tran is well known for his involvement in The Bee Token, a blockchain-powered short-term housing rentals platform. His background in artificial intelligence and blockchain technology will add tremendous value to Effect.AI and its plans for decentralized AI development.

On becoming an advisor for Effect.AI

Effect.AI is an Amsterdam-based project that is working on a decentralized network for Artificial Intelligence and AI related services on the NEO blockchain. Tony expressed great interest in the way Effect.AI has prioritized making its platform open and accessible:

“The Bee Token was founded to solve real problems for real people. Everyone knows how complicated the housing situation is in San Francisco and when people start using The Bee Token, we should be able to alleviate some of those problems. We couldn’t do that until the technology was there though and you see something similar with Effect.AI: they are on the verge of utilizing blockchain technology to give everyone access to something that previously simply wasn’t accessible in this way. I’m very excited to help them launch their project.”

What Tony can do for Effect.AI

As a veteran advisor with a strong background in machine learning, Tony Tran is perfectly suited to advise the Effect.AI team during development and, perhaps even more importantly, assist in the acquisition of strategic partners that will further strengthen the Effect.AI project. Tony will be consulting with the team on a regular basis.

Join the Effect.AI Whitelist now

Effect.AI’s Whitelist went live earlier today. Interest has been overwhelming, but there’s still room for you to reserve a spot on the Whitelist. The Whitelist is available on the Effect.AI website. Before heading there, you can read this release to learn more about the requirements. The rest will be explained to you during the process. If you have any questions, please join the
Telegram channel.

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