UPDATE: NOW 10% Bonus for all Stage 1 Token Sale Participants!

Effect Network
2 min readMar 21, 2018

Three days remaining until EFFECT.AI Token Sale

The Effect.AI Token Sale will take place on Saturday March 24 at 11am Central European Time. A lot of people have reached out to us over the last few days to ask about the bonus structure. Originally, the plan was to have a 10% bonus in place just for the beginning of the Token Sale’s second stage. However, our community members felt a bonus would be much more appropriate for Stage 1. We heard you and we agree. Therefore:

The Fair Share Distribution stage of the Token Sale will have a 10% Bonus for all participants. A calculator will be available during the Sale to calculate how many EFX (and bonus) tokens your NEO/GAS contribution will yield.

A Token Sale in Two Stages

As we have explained in an earlier update, the Effect.AI Token Sale is divided in two stages. Stage 1, also known as Fair Share Distribution, will have a personal cap of 1200 euro that is reserved for each participant for the first day of the Token Sale. After 24 hours have elapsed, Stage 2 of the Token Sale begins. The second stage allows you to fill an additional allocation up to 25,000 (twenty-five thousand) euro.

Stage 2 EFX tokens are sold on a first come, first serve basis.

Safety and security

We ask that you remain vigilant with regards to possible scams. We will not ask you to transfer funds before the Token Sale or via any other means than the Token Sale itself. If you do experience problems leading up to (or during) the Token sale, contact support@effect.ai for assistance.

Chris & The Effect.AI Team


