From Chaos to Control: The Importance of Prioritizing Your Tasks

Jeff Shepherd
5 min readMay 16, 2023


Welcome back, my fellow productivity enthusiasts! And to those who are new here, I’m Jeff, and I’m excited to share with you some tips and tricks that will help you take control of your time and achieve your goals.

I’ve helped busy professionals and entrepreneurs prioritize their career, personal, and relationship goals so that they can have it all. Let’s get started and I’ll share with you the helpful tips and personal insights that I’ve learned along the way.

Prioritizing tasks is a fundamental skill that is often overlooked but is essential to help us manage our time and achieve our goals effectively. In this blog post, we’ll explore why it’s important to prioritize your tasks, and I’ll provide some insight on how you can start prioritizing your tasks today.

The Importance of Prioritizing Your Tasks

  1. Helps You Stay Focused

When we have a lot of tasks to complete, it’s easy to lose focus and become overwhelmed. However, by prioritizing our tasks, we can focus our attention on what’s most important. This helps us stay on track and avoid distractions, which can delay our progress.

The ability to focus is critical in not just reaching goals, but also setting them. If you want to accomplish what is truly important to you, then you need to focus your attention there. Give it time and devote time to pondering what you want out of life. Priorities fall into place much more easily when you have a vision.

  1. Maximizes Your Time

Time is a valuable resource, and we only have a limited amount of it each day. By prioritizing our tasks, we can ensure that we’re spending our time on the most important activities. This can help us achieve our goals more efficiently and effectively.

Time wasted between tasks or determining what to do next is a low-hanging fruit when trying to find more time in your schedule. Prioritize your tasks and you will seamlessly move from one task to the next.

  1. Reduces Stress

Having a lot of tasks on our to-do list can be stressful, but by prioritizing our tasks, we can reduce this stress. It helps us create a clear plan of action and break down our to-do list into smaller, more manageable chunks.

I have a scribble pad next to me at all times where I can write down thoughts that pop into my head. Writing it down does use a few seconds of time, but it allows me to not stress about forgetting about that idea or task and move back to my current priorities.

  1. Improves Decision Making

When we prioritize our tasks, we’re forced to make decisions about what’s most important. This can help us improve our decision-making skills and become more strategic about how we spend our time and resources.

Decision fatigue is one of the greatest energy sucks out there, when you have prioritized your tasks and created a schedule the decision is removed and you will find yourself with far more energy to do the things you love in the evening because you didn’t spend all day stressed out, jumping between tasks and wondering what is next.

How to Prioritize Your Tasks

  1. Make a List

The first step in prioritizing your tasks is to make a list of everything that you need to do. This list can be on your computer or a physical one, but it’s essential to get everything down in writing. It’s easier to prioritize your tasks when you have a clear understanding of everything that you need to do.

This shouldn’t be an extensive list of everything you need to do, but the things you realistically plan on accomplishing for the day or week. What works best for me is storing my longer-term and recurring tasks in a program called ClickUp, and then combining that with a daily planner that incorporates any meetings or appointments that I have for the day.

  1. Identify Urgency and Importance

Once you’ve made a list of everything you need to do, the next step is to identify which tasks are urgent and which ones are important. Urgent tasks are those that need to be done right away, while important tasks are those that will have the greatest impact on your goals.

Understanding and respecting the difference between urgent and important is a crucial part of being efficient. Urgent tasks have a deadline and need to be done, but that doesn’t mean they are important to your life goals. Important tasks are ones that move you up and to the right in the trajectory of life. These are the tasks that move you toward your goals.

  1. Consider the Consequences

When prioritizing your tasks, it’s essential to consider the consequences of not completing each task. This can help you prioritize tasks that may not be urgent or important but still need to be done. By considering the consequences, you can avoid potential problems and setbacks in the future.

The main point I want to highlight here is you shouldn’t reduce the priority of important tasks just because you have urgent ones. Whether you devote time to goal setting, planning, and contemplating your future, the future will happen and you need to be prepared. Don’t neglect these important tasks while only focusing on urgent ones.

  1. Re-evaluate Regularly

Priorities can change quickly, so it’s important to re-evaluate your list regularly. This can help you adjust your priorities and stay focused on what’s most important. Regularly re-evaluating your list also helps you stay organized and reduces the risk of important tasks falling through the cracks.

I prioritize my schedule weekly on Fridays into a rough draft. Each night, I spend five minutes determining the ideal flow of my upcoming day. For large goals or projects, I like the frequency of quarterly reviews. A quarter is a decent length of time, enough to make progress, remember what you completed, and reflect on what went well and poorly.

Having a couple of levels of prioritization and re-evaluation really helps things move smoothly and creates a safety net for missed or irregular tasks.

In conclusion, prioritizing tasks is an essential skill for effective time management and productivity. By prioritizing tasks, we can stay focused, maximize our time, reduce stress, and improve decision-making skills. The first step in prioritizing tasks is to make a list of everything that needs to be done. Next, identify the urgency and importance of each task, consider the consequences of not completing them, and re-evaluate the list regularly. The ability to prioritize tasks is a fundamental skill that can help us achieve our goals efficiently and effectively.

Remember to prioritize your goals, stay focused on what’s important, and make the most of your time to achieve success and enjoy life along the way.



Jeff Shepherd

Small-town farm kid turned time management master. Sharing time-saving, money-making tips on Effective Efficiency. Join me on the journey to a fulfilling life!